Catalina's Pov

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I paced back in forth; it had been a week. Seven days since the plane exploded, two people were dead soon it could be three. No, don't think like that be positive. Avery was in good hands she's safe. 

I couldn't lose another person I cared about not again; it was too much. I sat down on the ground breathing ragged breaths. My mind was swirling, I couldn't think straight I just kept imagining her dead. First Avery and then my mom and then Jameson, and Gray and Xander. I couldn't handle it, too much was happening all at once. If Avery hadn't gone, if Gray hadn't tried and figure things out on his own, we would all still be here planning the next step. We could have used a different plane, and gone together, we shouldn't have rushed things we got too excited. 

Everything was swirling around in my head like a tornado and then nothing, I became aware of the tears going down my face. I don't know when I started crying but I couldn't anymore. I just kept gasping for breath like I had just almost drowned. I looked around my room demanding myself to not think. I couldn't go through the darkness again, there was too much of it. I stood up and walked to my desk, where I still had the envelope that used to hold Mr. Hawthornes letter. Grace. My mom's death was sudden, I don't know what happened exactly. I just know one day she didn't wake up, people said she did it to herself, but they didn't know her. I was pretty sure she wouldn't leave me. She had loved me and my father, I don't know why but she loved everyone.

"Cal." The voice came in a whisper, I spun around to see Jameson standing there. 

"Hey," I wiped my eyes on my sweater, and he walked closer to me.

"Avery woke up she's ok" I let out a choked sob before bringing him into a big hug. He held me close and whispered in my ear, "Everything's ok."

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