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"The first scone is what I like to call the practice scone," Xander said stuffing an entire scone in his mouth before handing one to Avery.

"It's not until the third scone that you develop any kind of scone-eating expertise," I said grabbing one

"Some people it could take four!" Xander said.

"Scone-eating expertise," Avery said looking unconvinced.

"Your nature is skeptical" I noted "That'll serve you well here" I informed her.

"But if there is one universal truth in the human experience, it is that a finely honed scone-eating palate does not develop overnight," Xander said eating yet another scone.

"Why are we standing here talking about scones" I frowned at this "Aren't you guys supposed to hate me?"

"I do hate you" Xander replied "If you notice I have kept the blueberry confections for myself and gave you— he shuddered "the lemon-flavored scones. Such is the death of my loathing for you personally and on principle." I rolled my eyes grabbing a lemon one, I for one enjoyed the lemon ones.

"This isn't a joke" she pointed out

"I don't do hating people it's too much effort," I said shrugging.

"What she means is she's not good at it," Xander said handing me another scone when I glared at him. "Why would we hate you, Avery?" Xander turned to Avery finally serious, "You aren't the one who did this" I nodded.

"Maybe you're blameless or maybe you're the evil genius Gray seems to think you are, but at the end of the day, even if you thought that you'd manipulated Tobias Hawthorne I can guarantee he'd be the one manipulating you," I said smiling "But personally I think your just who you seem to be. No motive, no wanting, nothing except confusion" I said.

"Exactly" Xander said before raising up a scone "In my grandfather's honor I eat this scone!"

I shook my head smiling "Want us to show you to your rooms now?"

"Just point me in the right direction," Avery said standing up, I shared a look with Xander.

"About that" I trailed off.

"There's a chance that Hawthorne House is just a tiny bit hard to navigate. Imagine, if you will, that a labyrinth had a baby with Where's Waldo? Only Waldo is your room."

"What Xander means is Hawthorne house has an unconventional layout," I said. Avery nodded looking more nervous and cautious than ever.

              ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿

"Hawthorne House is the largest privately owned residential home in the state of Texas," Xander said walking up the stairs "I could give you a number for square footage, but it would only be an estimate. The thing that truly separates Hawthorne House from the other obscenely large, castle-like structures isn't so much its size as its nature. My grandfather added at least one new room or wing every year. Imagine, if you will that an M.C. Escher drawing conceived a child with Leonardo De Vinci's most masterful designs."

"Stop" Avery ordered "New rule. You're no longer allowed to use any terminology for baby making when describing this house"

"Or its occupants" I added.

"Or its occupants" Avery repeated.

"Harsh," Xander said putting a hand on his chest melodramatically.

"My house my rules," Avery said shrugging, I looked at her surprised.

"Too soon?" Avery asked worry flickering across her face.

"I'm a Hawthorne" Xander said with a dignified look "It's never too soon to start trash-talking" Then he returned to the tour, and I tuned out to most of it already knowing pretty much everything about the house. But soon we ended up in front of the picture of Tobias Hawthorne.

"I've never even met him," Avery said snapping me out of my thought "I'd remember if I had."

"Are you sure?" I asked, and Avery just looked back at the picture.

The Inheritances Game (Jameson Hawthorne)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz