Chapter seventeen:Breathe

Start from the beginning

"I am a delight, aren't I?"

"Well obviously" I laugh.

I leisurely look around the delightful, quiet cafe and enjoy the cozy peacefulness of it.

I study softly, as a young child clings on tightly to his pretty mothers leg, as he tries and order his food from the cashier who just smiles understandably.

A cute elderly man with a content smile, wearing a navy newsies hat, walks through the little door that lets out a small chime of a bell. The man flashes Eros a sweet smile and Eros, to my surprise, gives the man a polite nod while sticking his hands in his pockets.

It's odd to think that all these people live a different life, and have been through different things. And yet, here we are in the same place at the same time, as one, all experiencing something together.

"You have a pretty smile" Dimitri says softly as he leans the side his head against the back of the sofa, and studies me with kind eyes.

I immediately look back towards him, and pull away from my thoughts, with a considerate smile.

"Thank you Dimitri" I say sincerely.

"What was it like where you grew up?" I ask Dimitri, wondering what it could be like to grow up in Russia.

"Honestly since my parents were well off, me and my brother grew up in a pretty easy and stable house"

"You have a brother?" I question curiously, having never heard him talk about a brother.

"Oh yes my older brother by, I believe six years" He says with a loaded smile.

"That's nice, do you guys get along?"

"Ah yes, we talk and work together all the time" Dimitri replied.

"I always wanted a sibling" I say with a disappointed grin as I take another drink off the hot chocolate, that was beginning to cool off.

"It's nice to have one sometimes, but other times it's not" Is all he says with a weird gleam in his eyes.

"Do you ever want to go back to Russia?" I question softly a few moments later.

"I don't know, but I suppose maybe one day" He says while still staring calmly at me.

"Do you ever want to leave the mafia world?" Dimitri asks quietly while softly furrowing his eyebrows.

"I want to right now" I whisper softly, while trying to not let myself get emotional.


"It's not what I want."

"What do you mean Arabella?"

"The violence, the people, the-. It's awful. I don't know. I just want to live a simple life, you know?" I say quietly while tucking my hair behind my ear, and pushing down the welling tears in my glossy eyes. He asked me this question on a bad day.

"What have you been through?" Dimitri questions quietly, almost more to himself then me.

"My life just feels like a stepping stone for the mafia. Like it doesn't matter, and there is nothing more to me then an heir to something I didn't even choose."

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