Tragedy and Changes

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As we see Izuku here with James crying his heart out in the yagi house as we see all the family members and his friends being beaten by Gran torino and Recovery girl as his uncles and aunties were pissed off looking at the Yagi family and you might bee thinking what had happened so here what happened


Today is the day Izuku will leave his hell and go with his Brother and finally live a life that ain't about being ignored and abused by those who he used to call family. As he saw everyone outside of his room in the living room celebrating Izumi's birthday again without him.

Inko: happy birthday to my daughter

AM: our only daughter

As Izuku just close his door to his room and then was gathering his stuff to get out of this hell and go with his brother.

Outside as izuku uncle, aunties and his grandparents had came and they all are pissed to say the least as they had arrive with James as they went inside the house.

AM: Mirai my friend how are you?

Mirai: good Toshinori Happy Birthday Izumi

Izumi: thank you uncle

Mirai: Inko where is Izuku?

Inko: who

Mitsuki: Inko are you serious, he your son for godsake

A.M: What are you talking about Mitsuki we only had a daughter?

As everyone eye went wide as Aizawa got on A.M and used his quirk to stop Toshinori to use his quirk as he started Beating the shit of him only for Mic and Midknight to stop him.

Aizawa: This is your son you BASTARD 

He said as he showed them the photo

He said as he showed them the photo

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

AM: who is that?

Mirai: Your Step Son Toshinori remember you neglectful bastard

As they both look at each other as they began to remember as Inko broke down crying as as AM also began to cry.

AM: what have I done to my son

Inko: my baby I forgot about him

Izumi: *crying* mom we need to come clean we been bullying Onii-chan to stop being a hero. I'm sorry

Katsuki *crying*: I told him to kill himself

James: "I have all the recording" how could you forget about your son Inko you are a horrible mother

Inko: Who the hell are you?

James: I am hisashi friend and that's all I can say right now

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