Chapter 5

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Hanabi had settled in quite well on the first day. Together with Mitsuri, she had looked at the girls' building and immediately felt at home. Her room also had a nice and bright interior. From her balcony she could even see the whole schoolyard and in the evening she had a direct view of a large sports team going to training.

But as nice as that day had been, the next day was a real lesson. Without really knowing it, the students were bombarded with several topics at once.

Hanabi never really had any problems learning. Yako Middle School was also relatively strict and highly regarded. However, Shiratorizawa was a completely different caliber, which is why she was relieved after the early class.

"Oh man, that was exhausting." Mitsuri said, yawning to herself. "You can say that again." Hanabi mumbled and rubbed her eyes. "Shall we have lunch together?" the girl asked immediately, to which Hanabi nodded. " Sure."

As some of the students ran into the canteen before them, there was already a queue of them. Admittedly, there really were a lot of students, some of whom were already sitting at their seats and eating.

"Nah great...I'm hungry..." Mitsuri spoke and put her hand on her stomach. "Maybe it'll be quick." Hanabi laughed softly and immediately got in line. But then something happened that she hadn't expected. Many eyes in the queue turned to her, and the boys started beaming and talking wildly. "Come on, make way!" some of them shouted, causing Hanabi to blink several times and see how she could just walk through the queue. "Eh..don'"

"Huh? What's going on?" a boy spoke curiously as the students were almost shouting. "I don't know." came from another, who looked up.

"Eh..not..but...", the boys at the table had just heard and looked at a blonde girl who put her hands up and found it uncomfortable. "Ohh a new popular student." came out of one mouth with a grin, looking at him monotonously. "Don't get any ideas about teasing her, Tendou." his counterpart reprimanded. "Don't be a spoilsport, Semi."

He just shook his head. "Does anyone actually know who she is?" Kai asked the group. "How are we supposed to know? She's a first-year student." Tendou said, annoyed, and looked at Wakatoshi, who just kept eating. "Hey Wakatoshi, what do you think about her?" the redhead wanted to know.

Monotonously, Wakatoshi lifted his head and looked at Tendou before his eyes went to the blonde girl. "Normal." he spoke simply. "Huh?" came from Tendou. How could he call something like that normal? Well, Wakatoshi didn't know anything about females anyway and was only interested in volleyball. He simply didn't understand anything else.

"Seems like she's popular." Semi said as he continued to watch her. "She looks good too." Kai grinned next to him. "That's true, but she doesn't look like she wants the attention." Semi stated immediately. "Hm, you might even be right." Tendou grinned, "Because that's what my instinct tells me."

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