Beep (part 1)

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Balloony added Woody, Cloudy, Roboty, Leafy, Nickel, David, and Rocky to the chat

Balloony: I'm sure making this group chat was a good idea.

Cloudy connected

Cloudy: hello

Balloony: Hi Cloudy!

Leafy connected

Leafy: Hiiiiii!

Balloony: Hi Leafy!

Leafy: Wow our entire team is in this group chat!

Balloony: Sure is!

Roboty connected

Roboty: .... . .-.. .-.. --- / ..-. . .-.. .-.. --- .-- / --- -... .--- -.-. - ... .-.-.- / -- .- -.-- / .. / .- ... -.- / .-- .... -.-- / .. / .-- .- ... / .- -.. -.. . -.. / - --- / - .... .. ... / --. .-. --- ..- .--. / -.-. .... .- - ..--..

Balloony: So we can chat and hang out.

Roboty: --- -.- .- -.-- / -... .- .-.. .-.. --- --- -. -.-- .-.-.-

Cloudy: so what do we do while waiting for people to join

Leafy: I'm not sure.

David connected

Cloudy: hi david

Balloony: Hold on brb

Balloony disconnected

David: Aw, seriously!

Woody connected

Leafy: Hi Woody!!

Woody: uh hi

Cloudy: hi Woody

Nickel connected

Nickel: hey guys!!

Roboty: .... . .-.. .-.. --- / -. .. -.-. -.- . .-.. .-.-.-

Nickel: i have literally no clue what you just said.

Leafy: You don't speak Morse Nickel? Honestly, you should be more nice to Roboty.

Nickel: im sorry. 😔

Leafy: You should be!

Woody: leafy stop yelling at him

Leafy: I am not yelling at him.

Cloudy: yah you kind of are

Leafy: I just came here to have a good time but honestly, I'm feeling so attacked right now.

David: Aw!

David: Seriously!

Nickel: david that's a little rude.

Balloony connected

Balloony: Hey guys I'm back!

Leafy: Tell them I'm not yelling!

Balloony: What?


Balloony: But you are right now..?


Leafy has disconnected

Cloudy: wow

Woody: why is leafy so scary im literally crying rn

Nickel: im sure she'll calm down eventually.

Rocky connected

Balloony: YO ROCKY'S HERE!

Rocky: kydakgdakgdskg

David: Aw, Seriously!

Cloudy: i think your right David, he probably did just barf on his keyboard

Roboty: .. / ... ..- .-. . / .... --- .--. . / -. --- -... --- -.. -.-- / - .-. .- -. ... .-.. .- - . ... / - .... .. ... / -- . ... ... .- --. . .-.-.- / - .... .- - / .-- --- ..- .-.. -.. / -... . / . -- -... .- .-. .-. .- ... ... .. -. --. .-.-.-

Balloony: Roboty, what are you talking about?

Woody: i gotta go guys see you later

Balloony: Bye Woody!

Nickel: bye!

Woody disconnected

Rocky: ksgljsgiugskugs

Cloudy: do you guys want to play a game

David: No!

David disconnected

Nickel: he just rage quit

Balloony: LOL

Roboty: .- .... / .. - / .. ... / - .. -- . / ..-. --- .-. / -- . / - --- / --. --- / -.. . .- .-. / ..-. .-. .. . -. -.. ... --..-- / .. / ... .... .- .-.. .-.. / -... . / -... .- -.-. -.- .-.-.-

Cloudy: bye Roboty

Roboty disconnected

Balloony: I should get going too. I have lots of things I need to do today. Bye!

Balloony disconnected

Nickel: bye!

Cloudy disconnected

Rocky disconnected

Nickel: aw man now it's just me.

Nickel disconnected

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2023 ⏰

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