Chapter 16

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When the dafan Wens were settled in and a protective barrier were put in place, the Lans started to make plans on how to protect their sect and themselves against the looming attack from Wen Rouhan. The Nies who were informed of the looming attacks left for the Unclean Realm to make their own provisions. The rest of the disciples were sent home. Master Ye sent word that he would be on his mountain. Meditating for the next three months. Wei Ying and his father's also left but not before a heartbreaking goodbye between Lan Zhan and Wei Ying. When they finally left. On their way, they stopped by at the siblings and their family, leaving the disciples, which came with Wei Ying behind for some extra protection for the family and siblings. They finally left for their home, knowing that soon word will reach them about the attacks on the cultivation world.

Wen Rouhan was furious with himself when he learned about the Dafan Wens. He was even more furious when he learned. Who was behind it. They dare offend him their Chief Cultivator. It seems that the Lans had become arrogant since they met the immortals and their son. But he will not alter his plans. He will stick to what plans he has already made.

First, the indoctrination has to happen. Showing the sect leaders who they should be scared of. Showing them their place. His army are big and powerful enough to withstand any attack that they might come up with, and with the two pieces of yin iron, his strength had improved immensely. Soon, he will have another piece. That's why he is so furious. He needs his niece. She is the only one who can be trusted with his health and progress. Now, he will have to do use healers that are incompetent and don't know what they are doing.

On Mount ChangMing Master Ye was sitting in a meditative position on a cushion before a low table. In front of him laid the peace of yin iron Lan Yi gave him. His sword. Dragons Back laid flat on the table surface. Master Ye poured himself a cup of wine and downed it in one go before he poured another and poured it over the blade, paying homeage to his former disciple Rong Changqing.
He can't leave it on the mountain.

The resentment in this piece is strong. Maybe he can cleanse it, rendering it worthless. Deep in thought on what to do, he poured himself another cup of wine. When he was done, he stood up and walked over to the hang of the mountain, standing there for a while, looking out over to the horizon. He stood there for a long time before turning and walking back to the table.

Looking down, his mind made up. He picked it up and picked up his Saber, and put it on his back. He flew off the mountain once on the ground he walked towards a more secluded place and took the yin iron out of the quakin bag, and dropped it on the ground. Closing his eyes, he channeled his energy and directed it at the piece. The iron piece fought back against the energy, but Master Ye did not give up or back down.

Finally, after what felt like forever, he managed to clean it, and what was left was just a useless piece of iron laying on the ground. He picked it up and looked at it a satisfied look on his face as he put it away once again. With a smile on his face, he thought to himself. Now I can go visit my grandson. He pushed himself off the ground and made his way towards the four season manor.

When he arrived at the four season manor and walked into the moon viewing pavilion. Well, he did not expect to find a moping and pouting Wei Ying sitting opposite his two fathers who looked amused at the young man. Nor was he prepared for the half-hearted greeting and hug. With a questioning raised brow towards the two fathers as he sat down.

Ah-Xu mouth. His missing his Lan Zhan and Master Ye mouth back. Oh.
The servants who had seen Master Ye walking into the moon viewing pavilion made quick work, and soon food and wine were placed on the table before them. Wei Ying would usually be the first to dish himself something to eat, but right now, he has no appetite. Loa Wen poured himself and his husband a cup of wine and then another and pushed it over to Wei Ying.

Wei Ying lifted his head and looked suprise and wide-eyed at his a die.

"I think it's fine if you have a cup of wine if it means getting you out of this foul mood you have been in since we came back."

Loa Wen said with a smile while Ah-Xu glared at him with a disapproving look on this face. Not please at all at his husband for giving their son wine. But before he could voice his displeasure, Wei Ying downed the cup of wine in one go. Which told him that his son had been drinking behind his back and that only one person who was to blame for that. Lan Wangji.

Master Ye lifted an amusing eyebrow, and Loa Wen filled his sons cup up again, sliding the cup over to him once again.

"Well, how did it taste he asked his son."

He asked his son with a teasing smile on his face, and Wei Ying rubbed his nose before he answered.

"Honesty, not as good as Emperors smile A-die, but it isn't bad at all."

Kexing laughed at Wei Ying's answer. Ah-Xu was not too, please at all. But for now, he will keep quiet and let them have their fun.

They kept up with what is happening in the cultivation world. That's when word came that the Cloud Recess was attacked, but the Wens could not penetrate their wards. They were defeated after two day of fighting. Wen Rouhan eldest Wen Xu got away, unfortunately. Huaisang wrote that his Da-ge is waiting with bated breath for them to attack so that he can spill some blood. That made them smile and laugh at the same time.

Wei Ying wanted to go to their friends aid, but his parents told him that it would happen soon. Lan Zhan wrote that the sect heirs are being ordered to attend the Wens indoctrination. Mingjue had sent Huaisang to the Cloud Recess to keep him safe. They knew many of the heirs would die during the indoctrination. So they decided to rescue them the moment they were being taken to the cave.

When the time comes. They dropped Wei Ying off at the Cloud Recess and made their way towards the cave. Just as was shown to them, they found the sect heirs inside the cave. Many had parished. They killed the beast and rescued the remaining disciples and sect heirs with only one exception. Shu She. Master Ye looked at the young man remembering what he had done to Wei Ying. Well, we can not let someone like him live any longer. Shu She did not like how the Immortal looked at him, so he tried to make himself smaller.

Well let's just say Shu She never made it out of the cave alive after it was sealed again and the other sect heirs and disciples were escorted safely out and seen that they arrived at their respective sects. The three immortals made their way back to the Cloud Recess because it's not long now that the war will start. They stayed there until the call for arms came, and with the Lans, they all made their way towards the Unclean Realm. Wen Qing had also joined the lot, leaving her little brother and family behind. She is doing this for them. For their freedom and for family.


A short chapter with not much happening.

The next chapter will be the start of the war.

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