Chapter 10

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Three months into the lectures and Wei Ying are enjoying every moment of it. If Lan Qiren thought that he could pick on Wei Ying then he was dead wrong. He may have grown up in the martial arts world but his parents made sure that he knew his roots. They taught him everything about the clans. So Lan Qiren did not expect that. But he slowly started to come to like the young man. He did not forgive him, Madame Lan and Lan Zhan for his beard but still the young man is intelligent, interesting, he quick and catch on quickly. So no harm done after all. Madame Lan made sure to keep her promise. She looked after Wei Ying as if she was her own son.

It was there day of. The sect leader and his wife went to conference at the Unclean Realm. Wei Ying made sure to stay clear from the Jiang sect heir. To much drama. The three boys were sitting in the jingshi when a disciple came to call them. Informing them that Lan Xichen were looking for them. They quickly made their way towards the outer courtyard where they saw Xichen standing. When they reached him they bowed in greeting.
"Brother you called for us". Lan Zhan asked.
"Yes there is a disturbance in Caiyi Town and I would like the two of you to come with me". He said.
"What kind of a disturbance Xichen-ge?". Wei Ying asked.
"We received reports that people are drowning and disappearing. It is quite concerning see that it is fisherman's". Xichen answers with small frown.
"It is you are right". Lan Zhan answers.
"A-Sang are you coming with us?". Wei Ying asked and Huaisang fanned himself and said.
"I think I will wait for you here. You know dry and safe". The three laughs and waved Huaisang off.
"Sorry sect heir Lan I could not help but overhear. Can I go with. We are surrounded by water and know much of water ghouls I would be of great help for you". Jiang Cheng said.
"There's no need for you to come sect heir jiang". Lan Zhan said in that cold voice.
"Wanji don't be rude of course you can sect heir Jiang. Thank you for offering". Xichen said with his signature smile. Wei Ying and Lan Zhan did not look to happy but decided to just kept quiet.
Soon sect heir Jin joins and more disciples. They made their way down the stairs towards Caiyi Town.

Once they arrived in town they made their way towards the river. What Wei Ying did not expected was to see his shushu there. He ran up to him and stopped infront of him and said.
"What a suprise seeing shushu here. You did not tell me that you would be coming". He said with a pout on his face.
"I wanted to suprise you but I guess it got spoiled. What are you all doing here? Is there no lectures?". Master Ye asked the group who had by now catch up to Wei Ying.
"We have a week of shushu. We heard about a disturbance and we are here to check it out". Wei Ying answers him.
"A disturbance?". He asked with a small frown.
"Yes of people drowning and disappearing without a trace". Xichen answers.
"Oh.. ah I guess there ain't one no more. Already taken care of it. And it was a waterborne abyss. Don't know where it came from though". Master Ye answers and Wei Ying said.
"Shushu you had all the fun. What must we do bow huh". Master Ye laughs at him and ruffled his hair.
"Believe you did not want to be close to that thing my boy. So many things could have happened". He said as his eyes found the one he was looking for and asked casually.
"Young man what is your name?".
"Me". The young man asked and Master Ye nodded his head.
"Shu She". He answered confuse.
"Should probably remember the name". He said off handedly which made the group even more confuse.
"What a waste of time. I will be going back then". Sect heir Jiang said and turns to leave.

"A rude one that one. I don't like him". Master Ye said.
"Nobody likes him really". Jin Zixuan said and everyone turns their attention on him. Wei Ying burst out with laughter and soon Lan Zhan joins him. The group soon after made their way back to the Cloud Recess. Wei Ying and Lan Zhan stayed behind with Master Ye and made their way towards one of the inns.
"Shushu how long will you be staying. I really miss you and my parents. When are they coming back". Wei Ying said sadly.
"I'm not staying long. I will be going back again. I just wanted to make sure that you are still fine. Are they treating you fine?". Master Ye said and asked.
"Oh ohk.. I am fine.. they are Lan Zhan and A-Sang are my only friends and I like it like that. The Jiang sect heir though are nauseating at best. He always thinks that he's better then everyone else. Which of course he isn't". Wei Ying said with a wink and both Lan Zhan and Master Ye smiles at him.
"So young man I do not need to remind what will happen if anything happens to this one. Right". Master Ye directed at Lan Zhan who shallowed down air and said.
"Of course not. Wei Ying is safe and will continue to be. I have sure of that personally". Lan Zhan reassured Master Ye.
"Glad to hear that. So A-Ying your parents will be back in the next three months but don't worry I will pop in from time to time". He reassured Wei Ying who's eyes were getting teary from missing his family.
"Ohk shushu. I will be waiting". He said. Lan Zhan took his hand and gave it a squeeze which earn him a thankful smile from Wei Ying.
"Shushu we have to get back. I will miss you". Wei Ying said as they stood up and gave his shushu a big and tight hug.
"I will miss you more A-Ying. Look after yourself before you know it the year would over and you can come back home". His shushu told him.
"I can't wait". He said and with that he and Lan Zhan left the inn.

The Young Master Of The Four Seasons Manor Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα