Chapter 14

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"Liza what are you doing here?"

Ava said as she started crying happy tears, she had missed Iliza.

"Hello to you too Addie."

Iliza said faking being hurt that the first thing Ava said to her wasn't hello.

"Liza, I can't believe you're here, I missed you so much."

Ava said as she ran over to Iliza to give her a hug, after the hug Ava turned to Taylor, sporting a grin.

"You did this. You brought her here for me?"

Ava asked Taylor nodded her head and it was then it was Taylor's turn for a hug.

"But how?"

Ava asked Taylor, Iliza butting in to answer,

"She found me on Insta. Can you believe she flew me all the way here just for your birthday?"

Iliza said still in shock over the generosity of the other blonde,

"I thought I told you that the attention had to be on your birthday, Tibbles."

Ava said, causing Iliza to laugh,

"Still harbouring the memories from the ER birthday I see."

Iliza said as Ava tried to stop her, Taylor turned to the dark haired girl looking for an explanation.

"Iliza, why did you say that? I am going to give you the brief overview of what happened, nothing more, okay Tibbles?"

Taylor was still waiting for an explanation, Iliza immediately regretting saying what she had said.

"I put out my first song which was called mess, he didn't like it, I ended up in the ER. End of story."

Ava said, Taylor gasped knowing exactly who Ava meant when she said he, whilst the rest of Taylor's family was confused. Taylor tightened her hug around Ava, the pieces falling into place when Austen finally realised the implications of what Ava had just said, moving to hug Ava before Iliza could stop him he had touched her sending her spiraling.

"You fucking idiot! Ava only lets certain people touch her, and that's not a privilege you have earned yet. Ava Ava, listen to my voice, count the beads and breathe."

Iliza yelled at Austen who looked very concerned at what he had just caused, Taylor had let go, and saw Ava rocking back and forth like she had back at the studio that time.


With Iliza's help calming Ava down took about 15 minutes, just in time for dinner to actually be ready.

"This is delicious, Mrs Swift, thank you."

Both Ava and Iliza said at the same time,


Ava managed to call out just before Iliza could, as the rest of the table erupted in laughter.

"So, Ava are you going to let us hear the album before midnight?"

Andrea asked, which caused Ava to laugh,

"One minute before because that's when in comes out."

Ava said,

"Oh come on, not even for your best friend's family?"

Austen asked, Iliza gasping faking being shocked and hurt.

"Replacing me already, I thought you were better than this Addie."

Iliza said holding her hand over her heart, Ava chuckled at her friend's antics.

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