Chapter 7

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"Jet lag is a bitch."

Ava grumbled as she got in the car with her sister, it was more than jet lag though, Ava hadn't slept for about 36 hours, she looked like death.

"Sure it is, Ava. when did you last sleep?"

Ava's sister questioned her, she knew she hadn't slept in a while, it was a long flight and she knew her sister couldn't sleep on planes.

"I think 36 hours maybe."

Ava said counting on her fingers, Ava's sister gasped, no wonder she looked like death.

"That's it, when we get to my place, I'm taking your phone and you're going to sleep. I'm surprised you're not dead yet."

Ava's sister told her, Ava wanted to argue but she was too tired to. The rest of the car ride Ava spent her time listening to her sister sing along with Taylor Swift songs. As soon as Ava got to her room she passed out on the bed, no idea when she would wake up.


Ava was very groggy when she woke up, reaching for her phone which had been place on the charger whilst she slept. Checking her phone the time read 04:00, and seeing a million messages from Taylor, eyes going wide when she realised she hadn't texted Taylor when she landed.

Adders 🐍
Sorry I didn't reply

Ava quickly sent her a message seeing the three dots appear then disappear, getting a FaceTime request instead.

"What do you mean? It's been like 45 hours, what were you doing?!"

Taylor yelled at her as she accepted the FaceTime, Ava looking like shit.

"I'm sorry, I was asleep. I slept for 20 hours, I think I slept so long my muscles atrophy, I'm pretty sure there was a point where my soul was like should I just go."

Ava joked, using Iliza's jokes once again, Taylor laughed,

"Don't do that again, I was so worried, I thought you died."

Taylor said still laughing a bit,

"I'll try. I see you like my jokes, and I have a confession to make, they aren't mine they are my friend Iliza's."

Ava laughed, Taylor confused who Iliza is,

"Oh okay, she's funny."

Taylor said with a slight laugh,

"That's good I'll have to introduce you to her work."

Ava laughed, Iliza was going to go a bit mental when she finds out that Ava's introducing one of her favourite musicians to her work.

"Ooh fun, is she also a singer?"

Taylor asked, causing Ava to chuckle a little,

"No no, you know when you said she's funny, well then she is doing her job right. She is a comedian, and I'm going to have to get you to watch her stuff on Netflix whilst I'm gone, she has another one coming out the day after I get back I want to make you watch it."

Ava laughed, Taylor realising why the jokes were so funny, it was Iliza's job to be funny.

"Oh, that makes more sense. Anyway what are you going to do today? Since you're up now, that is, also how did you sleep for 20 hours, adders?"

Taylor asked Ava, who knew that Taylor really wanted to know why she had slept for so long.

"Well Taylor, I had been awake for like 36 hours prior, so I was the walking dead. As to what I'm going to do today I'm going finish setting up the auto push for the album/song then I think my sister said something about karaoke with the rest of the music department at her school."

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