Chapter 5

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Ava stirred, her head pounding as she woke up in an unfamiliar place, her vision quite blurry.
Loud sharp knocking on the door made Ava's headache worse, the pillow she was using shifted, Ava realising it wasn't a pillow at all it was Taylor Swift's shoulder. Immediately jerking up, which woke Taylor up as well, as the knocking continued.

"One of us should probably get that."

Taylor laughed, as Ava rubbed her head, Taylor getting up to answer the door.

"It's for you."

Taylor said as she walked into view with Ava's publicist, Ava groaned.

"Good morning to you to Ava."

Caitlin passive aggressive said,

"Give me a break, Cait. I just woke up, and I'm a little hungover."

Ava told the woman as she rubbed her head, the older woman laughing at her.

"Well, you better get your ass into gear, you have an interview scheduled for about 2 hours."

The older woman laughed, looking at her watch, Ava scrabbling to get her stuff before rushing to her apartment, the older woman still laughing as she slowly walking after her.

"Don't you think that's a little last minute of you?"

Taylor asked Ava's publicist, who snorted,

"We scheduled this a week ago, she just forgot."

With that Caitlin left Taylor's apartment, Taylor chuckled at the other girls forgetfulness.


"So, Ava, what do you make of this Swift Kanye drama?"

One of the women asked Ava, Ava could feel her blood boiling,

"I feel like that what is happening to Taylor is unjust."

That's all Ava said to them,

"Is that why you wrote a song about him?"

Another one of the women asked her, which caused her to bust into laughter.

"No, god no. I have my own history with him. I also find it a little ironic, you are painting me the villain when you didn't do that when Kanye did the same thing."

Ava cut herself off with a laugh, everyone looked at her weirdly, urging her to explain.

"What do you mean by that?"

One of the women finally worked up the nerve to ask, causing Ava to laugh again.

"Well it was one line, not even in my song, he really shouldn't be so up in arms about it. He just saw an opportunity to play the victim and he took it. Ringing any bells? The only difference being his was one line in his song where he mentioned her by name. I find it hilarious that you allow him to be upset about something that isn't even in the song but she didn't get that. Why is that?"

Ava told them, they stuttered trying to get an answer out.

"Oh right it's because he's a man. Another thing I find funny about all of this is how he's twisted the narrative to make it seem like he made her famous. Do you know why he did what he did to her at the VMA's?"

Ava asked them, waiting for a response from the very flustered women.

"No, but I assume you think you do?"

Ava laughed at this subtle jab,

"I don't think, I know. He did because he was scared of becoming just Kim's husband, losing his fame. So when he saw a nervous teenaged girl on stage, he saw an opportunity to embarrass her and make himself famous again in the process he took it. But enough about Mr West, he doesn't deserve any more fame, was there any more questions about me you had for me?"

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