Chapter 4

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"Okay I'm here."

Ava said chest heaving as she walked into Taylor's apartment, Taylor raising an eyebrow at the out of breath girl.

"I ran all the way here, okay."

Ava told Taylor, hands on her knees as she tried to get her breathing back to normal, Taylor laughed at her.

"I'll have you know that was about 4 kilometres, that's 2.5 miles, I did this in docs in half an hour. I have every right to be out of breath."

Ava defended, between ragged breaths, Taylor laughed at her once again.

"That's it Miss Swift. Not tomorrow but the morning after I challenged you to a race. Not tomorrow morning because I'm going to be hungover as fuck, but the morning after."

Ava challenged Taylor to a race which caused Taylor's bodyguard to laugh, he knew that if Taylor had tried to do what Ava just did even in running shoes she would be dead.

"Looks like your bodyguard is on my side, so what do you say? Do we have a race?"

Ava asked extending her hand for Taylor to shake,

"We do only because I want to prove Greg wrong."

Taylor said shaking Ava's hand Ava laughed,

"How about we get to baking those cookies? You're going to have to teach me cause I have never baked before."

Ava told Taylor, Taylor letting out a loud gasp, as Ava put on an apron.

"You haven't baked before! Didn't your mother teach-"

Taylor cut herself off realising what she had just said,

"No my mother didn't teach me how to bake, I only got to hear her voice for 3 years of my life. So no she didn't have time to teach me how to bake, she was too busy teaching me how to speak and other things she couldn't before."

Ava answered Taylor's unfinished question, smiling softly at the memory of her mother teaching her how to speak properly which gave her the ability to sing.

"Your mom taught you how to talk, that's kind of sweet, I bet you miss her all the time, I can't begin to imagine what it must of felt like to lose her."

Taylor said,

"I hope you never do, it wasn't a great experience, 5 out of 5 stars wouldn't recommend."

Ava joked, earning a little laugh out of Taylor who felt bad for laughing at the joke.

"You are allowed to laugh, Tibbles. But how about we get to baking now though?"

Ava told Taylor, who let out a giggle as they made their way to the kitchen. Ava wondering how difficult baking was going to be.


"You've got to caramelise the butter then let it cool it makes the cookies chewy."

Taylor told Ava as the put a saucepan on the stove as Ava measured out the butter.

"I'm sure that means something to you but your going to have to explain what that means to me."

Ava told Taylor who laughed, grabbing the butter Ava had just measured out and putting it in the saucepan.

"It means the butter goes golden brown."

Taylor explained as she grabbed a wooden spoon to stir the butter with as it melted. Ava had created a playlist of the songs that they both liked and it was playing in the background as they baked.

You don't know a thing | Taylor Swift Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora