Changes Are Coming

Start from the beginning

“We welcome it. She hasn’t had an easy past few years and not allowed friends. We appreciate your thoughtfulness.”

“My pleasure, your Majesty.” I hear the door close softly and rattling. Tavi opens the curtains, and I’m greeted with what looks like crepes, fruit, sausages, and some kind of waffle? It’s all heaped on a cart. Of course, no meal is complete without java!

“I think I’m drooling. It smells and looks so good!” Tavi chuckles before heaping my plate with a little of everything. “There’s cheese too!” It was hidden. I wrap sausage and cheese in the waffle thing before devouring it. “Mmmm!”

“That looks good.” Tavi tries the same. His eyes get big with his first bite.

“RIGHT!” It’s sweet and savory. Somehow, the waffles are buttery, without the butter. The sausages aren’t greasy and have a taste similar to country gravy and Italian sausage. The cheese is like mozzarella, sharp cheddar, and Philly mixed. I try the crepe-looking thing. The eggs are closer to ostrich, and the filling tastes cream cheese with the consistency of spray whipped cream.

“Cara, Miti, are you alright?”


“You’re crying.” I wipe the tears I didn’t realize were falling.

“The crepes remind me of home, and it’s fixing my cravings. I’m already showing, too. If Mum was here, she would be making me crepes and reading to our babies. She’s missing all of this.” He pulls me close into a hug. I sniffle, “And there’s no Irish cream filling here!”

“I’m guessing these are crepes,” I nod, “and your Mum is amazing. We will find a way to get her here. Maybe some of that is filling, too. I promise.” He kisses the top of my head and wipes my eyes. “Let’s finish our meal and get you in a bath.” I nod and continue eating until I’m full. Tavi murmurs, loving words to me and the babies through our bath.

“I love you.” I sigh and lean back on his chest. “Thank you for everything.”

“And I love you. Thank you for everything, my dream. My life.” We finish our bath, and he helps me get ready for the day. I still want Irish cream crepes.

I chose a modest butterfly sleeve wrap dress. Of course, it’s in our royal colors. The belt is white with silver ivy embroidery. Tiny flowers and butterflies with long tails hanging from each lower wing are embroidered on the edging of the dress. I chose the kitten heel Mary Jane’s Mum must have slipped in my bag.

“Knock-knock. We’re here to assist with Cara’s hair.” I hear Ana and Fraí call out. Tavi let’s them in. “Lovely! We should go gentle and sweet.” Ana tells Fraí. They nod to each other before a flurry of work begins. Curls are tamed, and the top part is pulled into two clips to create a waterfall. Tendrils hang around my face.

True to their word, my makeup is light and sweet. Blush rose, silver, and soft blue dramatic eyeshadow is the only “unnatural” look. Top cat-eye eyeliner and blush rose pink lipstick complete my look. A simple drop necklace and earrings with isilmëmírë stones complete my outfit. I love it!

“Where did these come from?”

“Tira. She wanted you to wear them. They are enchanted to promote good health and provide protection from evil.” I touch them gently.

“Oh my heart. She’s such a good girl.”

“Is this appropriate?” Tavi comes out of the bathroom in a pair of snug black slacks that move with him and a katana-style ¾ sleeve shirt. It’s in both our colors. The collar and edging match my dress. The silver buttons have tiny charmed designs etched into them. Tavi favored this design the most.

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