Sweeter Than Hot Chocolate (Christmas Special)

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Finally, she reached the kitchen and peered through the fridge and cupboards, trying to find something to satiate her rapidly-growing cravings when she found a bright blue box of Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate mix, and felt her mouth watering at the thought of having a cup of hot chocolate with extra marshmallows. Maybe it was just her, but drinking that always put her in a cheerful and festive mood, even when it wasn't Christmastime.

After she put the hot cocoa mix into a cup full of water and ran it through the microwave for a minute-and-a-half, she added some marshmallows to it and went back out to the parlor, where she saw Wyatt and Ben still struggling to set up the tree as Griffin got all of his winter gear on and grabbed a snow shovel from the supply closet.

"I'm going to shovel the driveway. Wish me luck!" he called, but no one heard him. Ben had somehow gotten himself stuck inside the tree, and Wyatt and Sarah were frantically shouting and trying to shake him loose, and Harper was taking pictures of the whole thing and laughing hysterically while Jess answered the phone at the front desk and Topher brought up a tote full of decorations from the basement.

"Really? You guys aren't at all worried about little ol' me?" he asked, feigning hurt and Zoey set her hot cocoa down on the coffee table before she walked over to him, and gave him a big hug. "Don't worry, Griff. We're worried about you," she said teasingly as one of her babies kicked her stomach again, and he smiled thoughtfully. "So, when did the doctor say your due date was again?" he asked as he gently patted her belly.

She shrugged. "I dunno. He said somewhere around the middle of February, if I'm lucky enough not to go into labor early. Anyways, if you'll excuse me, I have a cup of hot cocoa and some math homework to get back to. And that driveway isn't going to shovel itself," she said as she stood on her tiptoes and pulled his hat down over his face before she walked away with a large smirk on her face.

"Oh, ha-ha. Very funny, Zozo. I'll be back," he said in a poor Terminator impression before he pulled open the door and was attacked by an onslaught of violent flurries of wind before he sighed deeply and walked out onto the porch, and the door slammed shut with a loud crash.

As she picked up her cup of hot cocoa, she could see that Ben was still stuck in the tree, and Wyatt and Sarah were now trying to pull him out by his ankles, Harper and Topher were snacking on some Kix marshmallow treats and watching the whole scene unfold with an amused look on both of their faces, and Jess was walking into the kitchen, presumably to make some more Christmas goodies, and she smiled. Even with all the craziness of the season, Zoey Campbell absolutely loved Christmas. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few hours later, the tree was fully decorated and it was finally dinner time and so Zoey and Topher had decided to make a nice meal for everyone since he was actually really good at cooking, and his specialty was a beef enchilada recipe that was a favorite of both of his parents and Zoey loved, even more so now that she was pregnant.

While Topher browned the meat in the skillet on the stove, Zoey prepared the ingredients that would mix into the beef after it was finished. "You know, Toph, I'm glad we're making this for everyone. It seems like it's been forever since we last had some of these, and no one can resist eating a homemade meal at Christmas."

He nodded. "Amen, boo. And apparently, you're cravings for these enchiladas come from my side of the family, since according to my mom, she ate these things on a semi-regular basis when she was pregnant with me," he said with a goofy lopsided grin on his face.

Zoey blushed as she proceeded to mix everything together before she laid the tortillas out. "Why am I not surprised? You know, we still haven't picked out names for our little bundles of joy yet. And I'd like that to be done and over with, hopefully before I go into labor," she said as a wry chuckle escaped her lips as she wiped her hands on the apron she was wearing before she got out the cookie mix.

Timeless Love: Harfin, Zopher, Wyvannah (A SOSS one-shot book)Where stories live. Discover now