You squint your eyes at the cats head. You slowly rub your fingers against its head, feeling the scar. 

"A black cat with a scar..." You quietly say. You tilt your head down a bit to see the cats neck. There's a white color on its neck... and a cross... "Peke J...?" You say. The cat looks up at you and jumps into the hand with the jerky, chowing down on it. 

"PEKE J?" Chifuyu shouts as he quickly walks beside you.

"This is Peke?" You ask. Chifuyu smiles and nods.

"Did he come up to you?" He asks. You slowly nod.

"He wanted the noodles so I bought the jerky for him..." You reply.

"Oh... that's why you- okay..." He pets Peke J's head. Peke continues to eat the jerky in your hand. "What a fatass... I can't believe food is what lured you out..." Chifuyu sighs. You smile at Chifuyu and then back at Peke.

"Well, we found him now. So now you should feel a little less stressed right?" You softly bubble. Chifuyu slowly looks at you and nods. 

"Yeah! Thank you, Yuki~" He bubbles back. 

The next day you slowly make your way to Baji's hospital room. You take a deep breath before walking into the room. You slowly open the door and walk in. Baji is reading a different manga this time.

"Hey..." You softly say, waving at him as you walk in.

"Hey- you not going to school today?" Baji asks, placing the manga down.

"I am... I just wanted to come before I head to school. That's all." You calmly say, sitting down on a chair beside Baji.

"What's with the face?" You look at him confused, tilting your head a bit.

"My face? What's wrong with it?" You ask.

"You look tired." He says pointing to your eyes.

"Oh- Yeah... I've been having trouble sleeping." You sigh.

"Why?" He calmly asks. You stare at him a bit then at the ground. 

"What made you become suspicious of Kisaki?" You softly ask. Baji looks at you, his eyes staring into yours. He sighs and moves his manga to the side of him.

"He does dirty shit... something I didn't want in Toman. Mikey insisted to have him join... and even after everyone declined, he still made him a member. Not only that but replaced Pah with him. Ever since Mikey started talking to that- started talking to him... everything started to become problematic. I caught him talking to Kazutora right after he got out of juvie... I was going to pick him up that day but Kisaki was there instead." Baji sighs.

"Huh? Kisaki picked Kazutora up?" You ask confused.

"Mhm... I've been following Kisaki around for a while... but no matter how much I bring it up to Mikey his response is always... we need him... tch... bullshit-" He huffs. He slowly looks up at you, staring at your tired eyes. "Why do you ask?" He questions. You furrow your eyebrows and fidget with your sleeve. 

"A friend of mine... well she was a friend- she has been talking to Kisaki... I asked her what their relationship was, and she lied to me. My other friend mentioned that she has been asking about me. Almost like she was trying to get information on me." You softly say. Baji grits his teeth and squints his eyes, looking out into the distance.

"Kazutora did the same." He comments. You look at him confused.

"What do you mean?" You ask.

"Kazutora would keep asking what your relationship with Mikey was... He had a salty look on his face when I didn't give him an answer... But randomly he mentioned you were his enemy... just like Mikey- It was almost like someone told him something... that or he saw something. Either way- For a while I've noticed it... ever since you got involved with Toman there's been rumors about you spreading." He adds. "I think that's where Kazutora might have gotten the idea of you being bad to him... or whatever." He sighs.

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