Ch. 1 - My New School

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Ayanokoji POV-

As I was standing waiting for the bus to arrive, the warm breeze was flying past my face and making me feel a soft touch. I soon heard the bus in the distance and began to pat my pockets not knowing what to do. 'I have no idea how to use a bus-' Was the only thing I can tell myself. But I remember some advice that Matsuo gave me (his butler).

Matsuo - Remember Kiyotaka the outside world is different from the one you grew up in. If someone asks you a question you answer politely and try to help people out when you have the chance. After a while you might even make friends just try your hardest!

The white bus arrived and before long the doors opened and I made myself in. The first thing I see is a man with a box right next to his seat.

Bus Driver - Hey kid you have your ID ready so I can scan it?

I just stood there looking at him not realizing that I need my school ID to ride the bus. Some people were looking at me because the bus was not moving. But I eventually pulled out my ID and scanned it. Some kids shot me some irritated looks. But to be honest it didn't bother me at all. What did bother me was that there were only 2 seats open. 'Do I take the one on the left where there is no one? Or do I sit on the right where a girl with long black hair was sitting reading a book?' I wanted to make some friends but to be honest I choose to sit by myself. Preferably because there is more leg room or just I didn't want to sit with a girl I never knew, I choose the latter.

A couple minutes go by since I sat down. To tell the truth I was just watching as the bus drove by the trees occasionally seeing people walking to stores. And then just as I had realized the pattern of lines on the ground when I heard a voice. And I was shocked to see a girl with short hair and big bo-

Boobshida - Uhm, excuse me, sir? ... Would you be willing to give up your seat?

You need to have fun when your writing :)

There was an old woman maybe in her 70's standing next to her. Kushida said those words to a blonde haired boy who was pretty well shaped even with a uniform on. But he wasn't listening he was only interested in one thing. Fixing his hair. 'Matsuo you told me that people outside were amazing, but to be honest this is pretty sad.' I didn't know what to expect but this isn't what I held in high regards.

Koenji - Why should I give up my seat? I was here first so that means that this is my spot.

Kushida - But you'd be helping this old woman, and the greater good of humanity ...

Koenji - How is giving up my seat to this old granny going to help society? If you want to give her a seat ask somebody else.

I mean he wasn't wrong. There wasn't anything to make him give up his spot. But I shifted my gaze to the left where there was the girl reading a book. She was only concentrated on reading and not caring about what's happening in the bus. I turned away from her because I had stared at her for a while. Then without realizing it I had made a mistake me and the girl talking about giving the old woman a seat made eye contact. She noticed and immediately opened her mouth but before she could say anything, God had sent a savior in the form of a office lady.

Office Lady - Um ... I will switch seats if you want ... Here you can have it.

I was saved by her if I ever see her I might just need to repay her because if she hadn't I would have gotten attention or be labeled a bad person for not standing. Eventually without even realizing we had arrived at the school I took a quiet sigh and stood up to leave for the door. As soon as I got out I could see why this was the best school in Japan the entrance doors were probably as tall as a house. I started walking until I heard someone behind me.

Horikita - Hey you spikey brown hair kid!

'Since when was I a kid?'

Horikita - Why were you staring at me? You do know that I can complain about it to the school.

I spoke in a monotone and tired voice "Oh sorry I wasn't checking you out. I was just checking your book. I thought I read it somewhere before.", Although Matsuo told me to talk in a more kind and warm way I still had no idea how to. It was something that I just was taught a while ago. After I was done talking she just looked at me with a sharp look in her eyes. And eventually started walking away before right after passing me punching my shoulder. I had little time to react 'I have to put on my best acting face right now or she would believe that I'm not hurt.' So I fell on to one knee and with my left hand held my right shoulder. Right after that little scene I looked at her and realized that her sharp stare was turned into a dull look. Right after she immediately went away. Homeroom was starting soon so I had to go, but I could wait a little bit more because its not like anyone is waiting for me there.


After I entered the classroom I saw a poster on the whiteboard that had names on it. I reasoned that it was a seating chart, so I looked at it until I found my name. All the way in the back near the window. Some boys shot me some glares although as being jealous that I sit in this seat. Well it didn't matter I sat down and looked out the window just staring at the view. A moment went by before I heard an annoyed girl speaking next to me.

Horikita - An annoying coincidence.

I just nodded feeling to tired from sitting in the sun, even though it was spring I had a drop of sweat drop off my chin and onto my hand. I usually don't get tired or exhausted but when it comes to the heat I barely last a couple minutes. I turn my head around to see the class just talking and forming groups already. I knew that this was going to happen but its not like I can do anything about it. Most of these students have had years to know people and how to approach them. But luckily there was a short blonde hair boy that stood up and went to the podium. Leaving some confused and others just didn't care.

Hirata - Listen up for a sec. We should go around the room and introduce ourselves. Start to get familiar with each other. We still have some time before the teacher arrives.

Most of the girls agreed especially this one long blond haired gyaru, just because it was a cute boy who said they were on board. But others just agreed because they had no one to talk to. So we went by who wanted to go by raising hands. And it went on for a while, most of the people saying they liked sports or liked this certain show. But I didn't understand most of it. While they were talking about their hobbies, I started to think what I'm good at. These include Piano, Calligraphy, Tea Ceremony, and Reading. While I was thinking of all the things I was good at and what I could say I immediately noticed a lot of gazes at me the boy up front and the class just looked at me.

Hirata - And lastly we have you in the back. So just tell us your name and some hobbies of yours.

He said that with a smile at the end and heard some girls talking about how cute he is. I was staring at them for a couple of seconds so I had to think of something quick. So I just stood up and did whatever came to my mind at first.

I looked at all the kids at once and did the best voice I could. Which was a silent voice since I have never talked to so many kids at once. "Uh... So Um... I'm Kiyotaka Ayanokoji. Uh... I can't wait to study with you. Ah, um... I'm not really good at anything in particular. Uh... I'll do my best to get along with you all.".

Some kids clapped while some laughed with some friends and others just held their heads on their table wanting to continue on with their days.

And the only thing I can think of right now is ... "I blew it.".

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