"Get up rookie!" Someone yelled from the bench, I sighed and stood up to my feet the girl who tackled me was smirking at me thinking she actually did something.

"Aren't you afraid she'll get hurt? She has no protection" the soft and beautiful voice of Daisy made me look towards coach Carlson, she was standing next to him, she had on some tight skating outfit, leggings and a simple warm jacket.

"She's a big girl, she can handle it"

So I'm supposed to do is stop them from scoring...again. They passed the puck around from stick to another but I was focused on the players more, and what their next move was.

I kept my eyes on the girl who tackled me and waiting until she was close to the side boards and skated right towards her slamming her against one, making sure it was hard enough to hurt through her protection but not hard enough to injure her.

"Told you!" Coach Carlson said from the other side of the rink, I put my hand out for the girl and she just stared at it and for a moment I thought she was gonna leave my hand like that, but she didn't. She smiled and took my hand to stand up.

"Good one rookie" she said and went back to take her position.

After a few tries, few attempts, more shooting the puck, more tackling Jasey because she was a center. She didn't seem bothered by it, she was used to it.

"Well, you did great rookie let's get you protected though"Jasey said because she was the team captain and put her arm around my shoulders, she was a little short so she was struggling to reach.

"Your stuff is right here, practice is everyday at 6pm. For now let's go watch the figure skaters do their thing, that's what we do between breaks" I nodded and followed out after her, we were still in our skates since practice didn't finish yet.

I sat down next to Jasey and the mixed girl who I came to know as Penny with the rest of their team we watched Daisy and Max warm up, I was mainly watching her...she was so elegant and beautiful.

The music started and Max and Daisy moved around together his hands touching her waist her body, her hair, her hands, it looked like their feet thought on their own. And watching Daisy do what she loved made me feel a certain way.

He'd throw her up in the sky and catch her again and I was getting worried, what if he makes a mistake, what if she falls.

Since I didn't know half of the moves and stans they did I was mesmerized too, they were skating backwards then forward and the switch was so smooth but I could see it was flawed, yes they sync but not perfectly, she's always half a second ahead of him.

I could see how shaky his hands were and I knew something was about to happen, I stood up and opened the door so I can walk in the rink without disturbing them. I watched Max pick Daisy on his shoulders then up in the air with one arm, but on his face I could see pain, he was in pain?

He was gonna let go...

I quickly made my way to them just as he was about to let go of her, I put my hands under her waist while both me and Max still skated, we couldn't just stop abruptly or Daisy will go flying. I held her up by the waist and slowly laid her against my chest until she put her feet back on the ground.

We were still moving together, my hands on her hips and her shaky ones over mine. Her beautiful red hair was brushing against my face, her intoxicating scent was making me feel warm, I wanted to pull her against my body, I wanted to hold her, I wanted...her.

"You're okay" I reassured whispering in her ear, we finally came to a stop and Daisy let go of my hands and sat down on the ground with her head down.

"I don't think I can do this Daisy" we both looked at Max. He looked sad, hurt, and even guilty, an emotion that I never seen him show.

"You can't just leave Max, it was just..an accident. And that's okay, we can work on-" she stood up and went to grab his hands but he pulled away, I could see he was holding his shoulder in pain he just didn't want to show it.

"No, we can not. I...can not, I'm sorry" and without further explanations, he skated away and out of the rink, leaving me, Daisy and the hockey team who was about to go back to practice.

"It's over..." she whispered, I hated seeing her heartbroken. This meant the world to her, this was everything to Daisy, I had to do something.

Hello babies!

You better eat well, stay hydrated and get the amount of sleep needed! Have a good day!



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