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I just got home from work and was exhausted, I sat down on my sofa and put my feet up. There was a lot going on in the supermarket today, because tomorrow was a public holiday in Germany. After a while I pulled myself together and warmed up my dinner in the microwave. During the time my food was getting warmed up, I took a quick shower because I knew I would be too tired to do that after eating.

With my comfortable clothes on, I sat down on the sofa and ate my food. I turned on the television to listen to the today's news. I didn't learn anything interesting, so I turned on my music and listened to it instead.

I eventually fell asleep and had that dream again.


I walk through a strange city and see many people, but they don't seem to see me because they can even walk through me. It feels like I'm in the past. People ride in carriages and I see a three class society, rich, middle class and poor.

A place seems to magically attract me and I allow myself to be drawn there. A couple is sitting on the bench and they exchange loving looks, but I can tell that both of them are very sad. At first everything is quiet, but then I hear the girl start to talk.

"I'm so sorry for everything, that I was born in the wrong class and that I love you. You know that I will only love you forever, but you have to marry this woman from a good family and I have to marry this man from my class. You come from a good family and I am just a servant in your house. I will always love you, my soulmate and I firmly believe that we will find each other in one of our next lives where we can love each other without it being forbidden. We must never lose faith in true love. I love you forever." She said, got up and walked away crying.

The boy lowered his head. "I firmly believe in us, my angel and I will always love you." he said and cried silently to himself. I looked to my right and saw a young man who didn't fit into this time, but when our eyes met, the dream was over.

Dream ending

I woke up from the dream and it was 3am in the middle of the night as usual. At this time the dream always ended and I wake up. I've had this dream since my 16th birthday, so for 3 years. I live alone and unfortunately no longer have a family, but my friends were always there for me. Felix and Han they were always there for me. I knew them both from an online game that we have been playing together for several years now. In the virtual world, I always have them by my side, but in the real world I was alone. I went to work or was at home alone.

As always, after I woke up, I went online in the game and saw that the two of them were already in our room. I quickly put on my headset and went into our room. We always talked in English, which was sometimes funny because Felix had a different pronunciation as Han and me, since he was from Australia. We could talk here for hours without even building anything in the game. I felt very comfortable just talking to them.
"How was work for you?" Han asked and I smiled because he was always interested. "Far too stressful since tomorrow is another holiday here and the shops will be closed tomorrow." I said and laughed because I knew what Han was going to say again. "I'll never get used to that because almost everything here is open 24 hours a day," Han said and Felix agreed with him.

"I know that, Han, but that's just how it is in Germany. Only restaurants and gas stations are open here on public holidays." I said and now I heard Felix laugh. "Hannie, how often does Jasmin actually have to explain that to you?" he asked laughing and we all laughed because his laugh was just contagious. I really loved these kinds of conversations.

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter.

Wish you a wonderful day :-)

Past Love / English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now