"Dammit... I wish I had a phone..." You sigh looking down at the ground.

"Yuki!" Draken yells out. You clench your fists and continue to walk, completely ignoring him. Draken walks faster to catch up to you. He grabs your shoulder and turns you towards him.

"What?" You rasp.

"Can you relax for a bit and just talk..."

"Talk about what? Why can't you just tell me?" You sigh.

"Because I don't need to tell you everything..." He answers. You stare at him for a bit before smiling and nodding.

"You're right... I'm sorry..." You softly say. Draken furrows his eyebrows and looks at you with a confused expression on his face.

"... really?" He says in a confused tone. You roll your eyes at him and turn around. "Come on Yuki... can we not do this today?" You look back at him.

"Do what? You don't need to follow me..." You sigh.

"Then where are you going?" Draken asks.

"Home..." You softly say.

"Really?" He questions. You slowly nod.

"I'm too tired for all of this. Don't want to tell me who killed Kazutora... then fine- I don't care-" You turn around and continue down the alley. Draken sighs as he watches you walk away. Once you make it to the bakery you see someone familiar standing outside.

"What do you want?" You sigh. Kisaki turns his head towards you and smiles.

"What's with the dead look?" He asks pointing at your outfit.

"It's a Halloween costume..." You listlessly say. He slowly nods and walks towards you.

"What did you want? Why are you here?" You ask. 

"I just wanted to talk to you... like old friends." He sooths. You narrow your eyes and glare at him.

"If you have something to say then just say it." You sigh. Kisaki smiles at you and leans in towards your ear. 

"Do you want to know who killed Kazutora?" He whispers into your ear. Your eyes widen and he smiles more. 

The next day you wake up staring at the wall. You struggled to sleep that night. You sigh and lay back down, staring at the wall. 

"Did he really do that?" You question. You sigh sitting up and rubbing the back of your head. "Fuck... I didn't want to be right about any of that... why did I have to be..." You stand up and get dressed. After visiting the store, you went to go visit Baji. The nurses said Baji was awake in his room. You gently open the door to his room and walk in. Baji is laying down in his bed with his eyes closed. You quietly sit down on a chair beside his bed. Baji slowly opens his eyes and looks at you. You look back at him.

"Yuki." He softly says.

"Hey... I brought you something..." You quietly say pulling out a stuffed cat. "I know its cutesy and all, but I know you like cats, so I got it for you." You say handing him the stuffed cat. "A black cat... because it reminded me of you." You softly say. He stares at you which makes you stare back. He softly smiles and rubs the cat.

"Thank you." He sooths. You softly smile and nod.

"How do you feel?" You ask. Baji's smile slowly goes away and he closes his eyes a bit before opening them again.

"I don't know... I saw my mom cry this morning... It made me cry. I feel like a shitty son... always putting her though pain and anxiety. Hehe... and now I can't walk... so that adds on to it." He relaxes his eyes and stares at the cat. "I thought they were lying to me when they said I might not be able to walk again... but I can't feel my legs..." He listlessly says. "And then I wake up to find out Kazutora is dead..." Baji chuckles in a stressful way. He turns his head and looks at you. You stare back at him unable to say anything.

"You remind me of Mikey a lot..." Baji comments.

"Why do you say that?" You ask him with a confused expression on your face.

"You always have that dead look in your eyes... Like, no light reflects in them... the window is open and lights shining on your face, yet there's no light in your eyes, they are just... blank... like Mikey's." he responds. You slowly look down. Baji smiles at you and then sighs. 

"Thank you for the cat..." He sooths then looks at you. You look back at him. "I will be okay... so stop looking at me like that. You look like my mother with that face."

"Are you really okay?" You softly ask. Baji slowly nods.

"I know my legs are fucked but I'm not giving up that easy. I will walk again..." Your eyes widen and you look at him confused.

"What do you mean?"

"I will walk again. Fuck what the doctor says. He said probably... I probably won't be able to walk again... and yeah, I can't feel my legs but I'm not giving up... I will walk again... so stop sulking for me... It's irritating." He bubbles.

"You're really ambitious..." You say with a hint of shock in your voice.

"I'm not... I'm just not a quitter..." He softly says. "My mom doesn't believe I will be able to walk and I doubt Chifuyu believes it either but I'm not a bitch... I will do it... so don't give up on me either." He cheeses at you which makes you feel a weird sensation in your stomach. You softly smile at him and nod which makes his eyes widen. He smiles back at you.

You lay in your bed staring at the ceiling. A lot has happened in the last two weeks. You lost your friend, you became friends with Emma, you found out you used to be old friends with Hinata and Kisaki, you got caught by the black dragons but then bailed out by Kisaki, you now owe Kisaki, you fought with your... friend, Baji lost the ability to walk and Kazutora is dead...

...and his killer is Mikey...

You cover your face with your pillow feeling stressed out and then eventually falling asleep.

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