He saw her close her eyes and take a deep breath.

         "You're a liar and you use people. You accused me of using people to fill an emotion void while it's you who used people. You used me to get ahead." He pointed his finger at her,

            "The truth is; you needed the money and you used me and now that it's all done, you're throwing me away! You ungrateful b-" He couldn't finish the sentence because he was slapped.


            "Are you serious?! Are you serious, right now?! You think I used you?!" Khushi knew she was yelling but she didn't care anymore.

         He covered his face. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean that."

           "I KNEW IT! I knew you'd throw your favours on my face one day! I knew you would do this!"

       "I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking. I'm sorry."

         "Don't you fucking act like you didn't know what you were saying! I am grateful. I am eternally grateful. I'm so grateful that I divorced you, so how dare you?! You were the one who replaced me! Replaced us! Me and the baby!"

           "Don't you fucking say that!"

     "Did I touch a nerve? Rian is a replacement for the baby and Neeta is a replacement for me!"

        "No. He's not."

     "You don't even care about how you affect others with your saviourism. You do stuff you don't want to. You do things because you have to and then you wonder why you resent yourself."

        "I don't resent myself. This is a joke! I'm sorry for what I said."

         "Really Dhruv? You kept asking have I ever loved you? But have you ever loved someone? Unselfishly? You have no rights to call me selfish when it is you who tries to buy affections of others. I'm not even mad at you that you said all that! I'm just mad that it took you so long to have a normal reaction."

        He held her shoulders and looked into her eyes, "Khushi, what do you want from me? I'm not a good person. I don't know why this is happening. I'm trying so hard to survive and I'm trying..."

        "Can't you understand that no one is purely good? And no one is purely bad? Humans are good and bad. That's what makes us human. And as for what I want from youz I want you to be happy. I want you to stop trying to fill your life with this person and that person."

     "Is that why you left me?"

    Her heart almost broke at his torn voice.

       "I left because I didn't want to be indebted to you anymore. It's suffocating to live like that. And I think you deserve much more than someone who loves you, just because you're good to them."

            "Do you want me to beg? I am human. I'm broken. Can we not try again?"

         She shook her head sideways, "What about Neeta and Riyan then? It's not fair to them."

         "You're the one not being fair."

           Khushi held his hands. "I'm sorry. I know this is not fair. I wish we had met in some other circumstances, in a wedding or something boringly normal like other couples. I wish we had but we didn't."


     Until Dhruv drive back to his flat, he realised it was past midnight. Punching the passcode in, he walked inside the flat. He was surprised to see Neeta still awake.

     "You're still up?"

     "Yeah. I was waiting for you."

     "You didn't have to. Anyway, go to sleep." He said walking to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water.

        "Were you with her?"


        "Were you with your ex-wife until now?"

         He gulped a few sips in, "We just talked."

         Neeta scoffed, "Sure. That's what Parag used to say too."

        "I'm not your ex-husband so don't compare me with him."

        "I have been through this once and I am not going to through this again so get your act together, Dhruv."

     She stormed out of the kitchen and Dhruv leaned on the counter and let out a harsh breath trying to control his anger.


   A/N: again wanted to write more but was exhausted. And life is just.....I am tired of waiting things to happen.

  Some people just strike gold wherever they touch and I am so jealous of them, of their beauty and their luck and how others like them. But me, I'm tired of how hard everything is. Like I'm playing on hard mode.

I'm tired of working hard and harder only to be disappointed again. I've lost all hope but my desires aren't dead. I want a good marriage. I want a good job. I want so much and I feel disappointed everytime.

Anyways follow my Instagram @sweet_shakkar



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