-"Can it be true?" I asked with the last piece of hope.

-"No! It can't be true." A female voice came from door. We looked at it and found

-"Alia. What're you doing here?" Rehan asked. She came in closing door.

-"That's not the matter Rehan. The matter is that, when Zoya didn't loved Jay, as Lucifer is saying then how can she get pregnant?"

Hearing her land slided down my feet. I was going to fall but Fero held me. I looked at Alia shocked.

-"Alia! Do you have any idea about what you're saying?!" Fero shouted on her.

-"I clearly know what I'm saying. Look at these reports yourself." She hand me a file.

I opened it and fell on floor after reading it. Fero and Rehan came to me.

-"What happened Faisal?"

-"Abortion...." I whispered and they both looked at me with dead face.

-"What're you saying Faisal?" Fero said.

-"He's saying truth only. These Reports says that Zoya was four months pregnant when she aborted the baby six months ago."

-"How can it be possible?" Fero whispered shocked.

-"Why can't it happen? We all knows that Jay and Zoya loves each other, then why can't she get pregnant? It's not like that Zoya is a pure holy angel, she just looks innocent and she makes use of her innocent looks. We all know that how immediately after news of Faisal's death she became CEO and transferred his property to her name. How she didn't even mourned and started coming to office as CEO.

Rehan you yourself know that how she used to go out with Jay. They used to go for dinners and dates, and in office also. That Jay used to spend his time here with her, even more than his own office. And this abortion report says every bit of truth."

-"But Alia what if there is something else which we can't see?" Fero said.

-"Lucifer. What happened to you now? About Faisal we can understand. He loved her that's why he is not able to accept the truth, but you? Atleast you should accept the truth." Alia told him.

-"Mom was right. I did the very right thing by trusting mom instead of Zoya." Rehan said.

-"You're right Rehan." I said and they all looked at me. "How much I'll make fool of myself by trusting Zoya? I thought to trust her again, but after looking at this, I hate her." I said signing towards the reports. You did the most biggest mistake by betraying me. I thought that you're very innocent, that's why I always used to control myself. That's why I never crossed my limits. But what you did in return?

You betrayed me. You broke my heart. I never ever had a heart, you gave me this heart and you yourself broke it. Now I'll break you.


-"So finally you came. How was your day at office? Everything went good?" She asked while coming to me smiling. I'm feeling very disgusting even by just looking at her.

-"I want a report till morning." I said and she looked at me confused.

-"What report?"

-"Report about every single dollar that came in my company and you spent behind me."

-"But Faisal you should contact Mr. Raynor for this work."

-"Who's Mr. Raynor?"

-"He's head of Finance department. He has every detail about expenses and......."

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