Back to the runway

<<Zheltye 21,are you ready to take off?>>

<<Yes.Hey,can I ask you for a favor?>>

At the same time the last Su-37 rolled her wheels on the concrete way,the radar of the site already showed signs of the enemy:2 planes,a fighter and an AWACS,which meant that all of the others must be in stealth,and they are flying straight to Megalith.The moonlight reflecting on the metal walls of the fortress has revealed their position.

The facility has been deafened by the siren sound,defensive procedures are taking place all across the AA missiles surrounding the fortress,hurry and panic.

But before that,Jean still wanted a favor from his Chinese allies:

<<If stealth is unnecessary,turn on the laser pointers,let us make a pray for the death>>




From the side of the Megalith,four laser guns shoot toward the sky,before the silos launch their attack at the invader.Jean-Louis and his wingmen could see the light by just looking outside of the glass cockpits,and they aren't the only ones.

From far away,a young female pilot and her escorts also saw the red beam of the mourners:

<<I see the Megalith and its laser,Sky Eye,can you hear me?>>

<<Yes,loud and clear,how me?>>

<<Loud and clear,okay,Mobius 1,prepare to engage>>

Positioned far from Megalith,the E-3 of Long Caster is tracking for all possible enemies within sight,and he found fifteen:

<<Fifteen enemies in bound.Okay,Sky Eye here,all Mobius aircrafts,report in>>

<<Mobius 2 on standby>>-Trigger repositioned his plane next to Mobius.

<<Mobius 3 through 7 on standby>>-the rest of the Osean fighters formed a V-shaped formation just behind the two leading aircrafts to guard the flanks.

<<Mobius 8 on standby>>-Koshka flies Valentina to a lower altitude,defending the rest from the AA guns

<<Preparations are completed,ready for battle.All aircrafts,follow Mobius 1>>

Right the moment Long Caster ended the transmission,the squadron charges forward to the metal reflector in front of their Eight lanterns break the previous formation and fly separated into many teams and fly to the Megalith.However,the fortress isn't welcoming them:

<<It can't be happening,it's raining ballistic missiles>>-Trigger said as he saw many dots suddenly appear on his scope.-<<Just how many missiles do they have to create a rain like that!?>>

<<Calm down,just stay focus.We are going in into 4 groups,Megalith fortress on 2 o'clock,Tango team already on the 13th floor,but they can't get the room down there open,it was electric locked,they will hold the position until all the generators are destroyed,so hurry up>>

<<Here we go,pay attention everyone>>-Talisman announces on the radio,as he sees many glowing dots coming opposite from their direction,it's the Zheltye squadron and their support.The flankers,which are already blowing at speed over Mach 2,are charging toward them:


<<I see them go a Tally-ho on the bandit- You're not gonna believe this Jean-Louis! All of them have ribbons on their insignias!>>

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