Chapter 6

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(copied the wrong document, all or at least nearly all errors should be fixed)

Ruby: "Anubis," she says in a questioning tone.

Kat: "Death? Is that supposed to be ironic?" I ask with a confused face, though I am more curious than before.

Ruby: "It's a bit of irony, I'd say, as he is planning for execution when he is no longer useful, but he has shown enough skill to earn it; I mean, he did brutally kill his own kind." She says it in a cold way, bringing back memories of the bunker incident.

Kat: "You should just call him fucking insane at that point," I say, annoyed.

Ruby: "The Cadavers are insane, if that makes you happier, well, at least the ones that were captured." She says it almost jokingly but remains professional.

Kat: "Or they like to kill themselves." I remember the person Erick was with.

Ruby: "So yes, it does fit. Is there anything else I can help with, captain?" She changes the subject with a kind smile.

Kat: "Is the no-fur going to remain in his cell, or will he move into a barracks, as you've said?" I ask cautiously, but only to get cut off by her.

Ruby: "He will at some point be moved into a dorm, but not for sympathy reasons but for manipulation." She quickly says that she is not showing much emotion in her voice.

Kat: "Noted, that will be all then," I say with a nod.

Ruby: "Then you are dismissed, captain, and keep an eye on the human so he doesn't get mangled to death by someone on base," she says jokingly.

Kat: "Not like I'm going to stop them." I laugh to myself before giving her a salute and walking out of her office.


(Erick POV)

I tap my finger against my thigh, bored, waiting as my stomach growls, striking me with hunger pain and making me wince in pain.

??? "You hungry, pretty boy?" A voice from another holding cell shouts in a joking way.

I ignore the voice and close my eyes gently to begin to block out the noise of the other people, and I begin to tap my thigh again just to do something.

"Surely they will feed us soon." I think to myself as I include the others in holding cells in the mix, who are most likely just drunk soldiers.

A loud beep echos through the hallway, the sound of the metal security doors opening into the holding cells. I ignore it as I keep my eyes closed, but footsteps walk to my cell and stand there.

Alice: "Anubis" She calls out to get my attention.

Erick: "You must have me mistaken for another one of the wolves in here." I politely declined to not get my ass beat.

Alice: "That's your new code name, idiot" She huffs,

Alice: "I brought you food." She changes her tone to be more soft and kind.

I open my eyes and look up at her with a confused look as I see she is holding a metal tray. I stand up and get a better look, and it's just a rice MRE that has been placed on the plate.

Erick: "Oh, thank you then?" I am confused, but grateful.

??? "That's not fair! Why the hell does the stupid furless thing get food and not us?" A voice from the cell next to me shouts angeredly.

Alice: "Because your dumbass got drunk and you actually got to be let out." She says she is annoyed while then pushing the tray through a slot that I gently take.

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