Chapter 4

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*In the morning everyone in the group*
ok guys!! who are going there because we already know it's dangerous to go inside and lots of puzzles are also there and who's going inside he or she has to carry all this heavy stone with them. And there is a risk of life also!

ok! I'm going in.

No y/n u r already injured and I don't want to risk ur life, u already know how important u r for this project and if any thing happens to u then, what I'm going to say to ur mom? and how will I face them?

listen sunshine! I know u r worried about me but be practical one of us has to try this and I'm already injured, I can take that risk if anything happens to me than someone else gonna take the lead that means, if I'm not taking any risk someone else gonna take it and I have plus point i already know the answer which will lead us to our destiny and if I got stuck somewhere i will need ur help from outside so please allow me to go first

I hate u ...( Hobi with cute angry face)

Y/n :-
i know (she giggles)

(Everyone "so it's yes or no"?)
Y/n :-
Yes! let's start this.

( everyone starts preparing dive bullet proof jacket to her and a bag in which they put all the things which they find in cave they put camara and mic on her and give her earpiece)

First we have to stop this motion thing which detects our movement.

Y/n :-
Yes, and for that someone will have to put this sword on that eagles hand, look it fits there perfectly.

(Everyone "how can u be so sure" ?)

Y/n :-
look it's a Jeon kingdom symbol and if we look at the eagles Sword is missing from her paw that means whatever we found down there it we need those things here.

and how we're gonna reach there ?

Why don't we use drones?
So when we fix the Sword there, and anything happens to the drone we get alert!

(Everyone together "nice idea let's try it")
And they all Started working together, then they tried it and successfully completed it!

(Everyone together "nice idea let's try it")And they all Started working together, then they tried it and successfully completed it!

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*everyone hugged each other*

Before sending her inside the cave, let's find out if it works or not?

( Everyone "ok" they sent the drone inside and saw that it Started moving without any help, and the drone reached the end they saw there is a door which has a puzzle on it. )

Should we use a drone for solving that puzzle? why should we taking risk of life to reached that puzzle.

Y/n :-
Oh! and after solving that puzzle how u gonna reach there? u are also gonna fly like drone?

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