Sneak Peak 3: The Final Chapter (Familiar Spider-Title, Anyone?)

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They finally did it.  Ladybug, Cat Noir, and Spider-Man have finally defeated their enemies, however, even now, their struggling journey hasn't ended just yet.  After tossing the knocked out Parisian Duo to safety, Spider-Man becomes trapped beneath rubble, where his self-doubt is beginning to become too much.

Exhausted, alone, hurt, is this the conclusion of Peter Parker?

The building had begun to collapse. I struggled through the very slowly but surely rising water that was already at my ankles. Suddenly, a huge piece of rubble came crashing down. I used whatever strength I had left to toss the unconscious Ladybug and Cat Noir up a small platform.

The huge piece of iron or whatever it was made out of pinned me down.  Only my upper chest, arms, and head were at least not pinned down.  

I then realized that my mask had been removed from my face.  

But...just how come it means so little to me right now?

I've finally defeated my enemies. But now I'm trapped beneath tons of fallen steel. It must be so much more than I can truly lift.

I've failed. Just now...when it counted most...I've failed.

But I can't give up. I must keep trying. I must. I've got to try to free matter how impossible it seems. And lifting is the only way. But...I just can't even move it.

"Can't...budge it!" I grunted.

I then stopped, but I can't stop right now. I tried again. I have to summon my strength once again.

But...I just can't do it anymore. I'm so exhausted from the fight

My body soon gave in once again. This time, I didn't try again. I began panting as water from above began to fall on my head, coming down before my covered-by-lenses eyes. I'm going to drown probably soon.

I want to try one more time. I get up. Everything just plain hurts. I'm so cold. I'm so stiff.

"No!" I let out.

I soon felt my body give in. I firmly grasped a pipe, feeling so defeated. Can't help my friends. Maybe I'm not the hero I thought I was. I'm sorry Uncle Ben.  

I was so wrong.  J. Jonah Jameson, my haters, my villains, everyone was right: I'm nothing.  I'm a loser.  I'm a freak.  I don't belong here.  I belong nowhere really.  I'm useless.  I just want to give up.  I'm a failure.  I'm a disappointment.  

Everyone hates me.

No.  I'm about to die and I'm thinking so lowly?  Come on, I should think positive if this is my destiny, at least I die knowing I didn't die in vain.  I've already done just enough.  

"This is it." said I said doubtfully, "Fought the good fight. Did my best. Foiled the bad guys' plan. No one can ask anymore of me."

I then began to close my eyes, ready to accept my fate.  Instead of my whole life flashing before my eyes, a single memory came along.  It felt as if...while my mind was accepting my destiny, my heart said something different...

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