Chapter 2: Marinette, Tour Guide

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-Marinette Dupain-Cheng-

I was helping out with my parents, Tom and Sabine with the bakery as usual.

It was a weekend day today so I had no school for tomorrow as well. I then suddenly spotted a familiar face. That orange jacket helped me recognize him. It was Peter Parker. He was walking into the bakery. Our bakery.

"Hello, I heard that this is the kingdom-" said Peter, then noticed me, "Oh, hi!"

"H-Hi, Peter!" I stammered for a moment, "Wh-What're you doing here?"

"Oh, I heard that this was one of the best bakeries so I thought I might as well come in and take a look. I'm assuming you work here?"

I then put on a smirk.  It was a prideful one.  I'm not sure if this is just my own pride or the kind I somehow inherited from my partner.  I wouldn't be surprised if it was from Cat Noir.  Sometimes I can't stand him, and yet this strange sense of pride makes me like him even more.

"Work here?  I live here." I said, "In fact, this is my family's restaurant."

Peter stared in amazement. It must've been amazing for him. Well, he is basically staring at the heir to the throne of the Bakery Kingdom. Mama and Dapa were behind me, putting their hands on my shoulders. They all had some flour on them, and it totally looked just plain perfect for a picture or something.

"Wow, that's amazing." said Peter.

Suddenly, an idea popped in my head. I then turned to my parents almost immediately. I was thinking about showing Peter around. So he could grow fond of the place.

"Hey, Mama, Papa, could I show Peter around?" I asked, "He's an exchange student at my school."

"That'd be a great idea." said Papa, "You can get it all set."

"Could I show him around here first?"

"I believe that'd be great." Mama agreed.

Papa hugged me while Mama kissed my forehead. I then turned to see Peter, something about his face made him look...sad? He looked like he tried to shake it off once he noticed me looking.  So I tried to shrug it off as well, thinking he was probably already homesick.  I took Peter's hand with my flour-covered one.

I then took him up to my house.  I showed him the living room, the bathroom, and showed him the balcony where my room was.

"This is...awesome." said Peter with a genuine tone.

I left him on the balcony to get myself cleaned up and ready.  For I had an idea: I'm going to show Peter around.  Since he's most definitely going to be here for a long time, might as well grow to love it.  

(skip to 37:47)

-Peter Parker-

If you can do the things for people, then you have a moral obligation to those things. Not Choice: Responsibility. When you can do the things that I can, but you don't, and then bad things happen...they happen because of you.

One day, I ended up abusing my powers, attempting to gain fame. I let a robber go, next thing I knew, my Uncle Ben, the closest thing I have to as a father, was shot. I remembered when I saw him, dead. I hunted down the man.

And it turned out to be the guys that I let get away in the first place.

I then decided to pay for my mistakes by doing whatever I can to keep others safe from harm, ultimately learning the words of wisdom my Uncle Ben said, "With great power, comes great responsibility."

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