Chapiter 1

22 3 5

Trigger Warning : This book contains sensitive subjects such as suicide and depression, death, etc...

Not suitable for sensitive, depressed or anxious people.

"Words in italics between bolded quotation marks" => character's thoughts

Chapter 1:

29 August 2009, Milky Way, planet Earth, Reunion Island, St Paul.

It's amazing how many rumours can spread based on a simple piece of information or on anything else!

Most of the time the source is a small thing, whether it's good or not, and as people talk about it it gets bigger and bigger, whether it's bad or rarely good!

They have a kind of powerful influence because they can just as easily destroy someone's life or make some people more advantageous than others!

They are most often spread in large places with many people, such as big cities, on the Internet or in schools.

But they can just as effectively be spread in small places with few people, such as small streets, small villages or inhabited dead-ends.

Like here, for example, in  one of the 24 communes of Réunion Island, "l'ile intense". (translation= Intense Island in French) 

Located in the Indian Ocean between Madagascar and its "sister island", Mauritius.

Reunion Island is one of France's overseas departments and is renowned for its great historical and cultural heritage, with the "Maloya" dance and its "Maido" forest listed as UNESCO World Heritage sites.

With its many landscapes ranging from beaches to mountains, its austral winter in which the average temperature never drops below 20 degrees Celsius.

With its mixed cultural heritage, the island's inhabitants have many different ancestral cultures!

A mishmash of cultures allowing a majority non-racism throughout the island!

But whether in any country or any continent!

There may be an extremely tolerant majority!

There will always be a small minority who are not as tolerant as the majority and can be just its opposite!

And it's this kind of minority that's apt to spread rumours, and it doesn't matter where they live!

For example, here, in this small inhabited dead-end somewhere in the commune of Saint Paul, which is the largest commune on the island.

There were houses of all colours and sizes in this cul-de-sac, giving it a landscape worthy of a work of art!

Every house was like this except one!

It was 2 storeys high and white with a dark emerald green roof and ramparts all around the house, exactly the same colour as the roof but looking as if it had been damaged by time.

It also had a green courtyard with no flowers or vegetable garden.

It was inhabited by a couple who had moved in 3 years ago.

Their names were Ethan and Fengári Lavander.

Fengári was 179 cm tall, had brown skin, dark brown almond-shaped eyes, straight black hair usually tied in a braid,  Indian cultured and  Hindu ; her face was oval and pointed downwards and she had a mole on the left side of her neck.

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