Chapter 7: Midterms Complete

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Socialkouji: Hey! What's up, Lazykouji. It's been a while, huh?

Lazykouji: Yes. Been. Years.

Annoyingkouji: I thought you were fucking dead, bro. Are you good?

Lazykouji: Tired. That's. It.

Violentkouji: I forgot this fucking lazy bastard only talks with one word out of time.

Lazykouji is an Ayanokouji that preferred to stay out of conflict and rarely take control. During the White Room, he avoided training and let the others do it thus his father had no idea of Lazykouji's existence.

Lazykouji: Did. You. Save. Peaceful. Life-chan?

Normalkouji: Finally, someone that wants a peaceful life... No. These guys refuse to have a peaceful life.

Lazykouji: Shit.

Annoyingkouji: That kind of shit is boring anyways! Let's have some fun with everyone here. Heehee!

Hornikouji: I know right! Having fun is best.

Violentkouji: You mean fucking some bitches from the school. Hell, no! I wanna some those fuckers off my power with violence. I can't wait to take control of the class.

Socialkouji: Don't do that! You're going to ruin my reputation. Or what's left of it...

Masterpiecekouji: Fools. There's only one person I would like to go against. Sakayanagi... she knows of our origin and I would like to crush her. I suppose being the leader of Class D will be the first step.

Narcissistickouji: That little girl! Oho! She doesn't stand a chance against the perfect existence such as myself. I must crush that imposter, Koenji-boy.

Lazykouji: It. Seems. Like. A. Bad. Time. To. Come. Back.

Normalkouji: Welcome to my world, Lazykouji.

Ayanokouji walked out of the school building as the different Ayanokoujis were conversing with each other. Ayanokouji headed towards the dorms when he ran into a young man with long blonde hair tied in a ponytail with blue eyes.

"Hey... you are Ayanokouji?" asked the student.

"Yes. And you are?" asked Ayanokouji, a little puzzled on how this student know his name.

"So, you're the one that Princess was looking at!"


"My bad. I'm Hashimoto Masayoshi from Class A."

"Ah. You're from Sakayanagi's class. Is she the so-called princess?"

"Haha. I guess I only call her that. But, why would Princess look at you, someone from Class D?"

Hashimoto gave Ayanokouji a suspicious glance as if he's trying to analyze Ayanokouji from his appearance, but he had a feeling that Hashimoto was doing more than that. He was trying to look at Ayanokouji's body language and other factors to analyze him. Ayanokouji just stood there without saying anything with his usual blank face.

"Ah! Never mind." said Hashimoto. "Sorry about asking too many questions."

"It's fine. I'm heading towards the dorms." said Ayanokouji, walking away with signaled the end of their encounter.

"Okay. See you around, Ayanokouji."

With that, Hashimoto gave him a wave and headed towards the school building while Ayanokouji headed the opposite direction and towards the dorm. He felt Hashimoto staring back at him, but he shrugged it off and continued on his way back to the dorms. Ayanokouji approached the dorm and ran into Hasebe, who seemed to be slowing down in front of him.

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