Chapter 4: Everchanging

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**Timeskip (next morning)**

Ayanokouji woke up at 4:30 AM as usual. As soon as he woke up, he got and began stretching, waking up his sleeping muscles. The different Ayanokoujis began conversing to each other as Ayanokouji began changing. Ayanokouji changed into a plain white T-shirt and black shorts. Ayanokouji grabbed a bag and placed his school uniform inside.

Normalkouji: Gym time.

Masterpiecekouji: It doesn't hurts for us to train and maintain our body.

Socialkouji: Maybe we can meet some gym friends!

Ayanokouji left his dorm and quietly made his way to the elevator, avoiding disturbing the sleepy neighbors and people on the floor.

Annoyingkouji: C'mon. Let's have some fun!

Normalkouji & Masterpiecekouji: No.

Ayanokouji entered the elevator and took a quiet ride down to the lobby while his identities conversed and argued with each other. Ayanokouji sighed, exited the elevator, and had a peaceful and quiet walk to the gym.

**Timeskip (15 minutes later)**

Ayanokouji entered the gym, which opens as early at 4:00 AM and closes at 1:00 AM. The gym basically opens for most of the day and only closes for 3 hours. Ayanokouji signed up for a gym membership which is 9500 points every month for full access to the gym's equipment and facilities.

Ayanokouji entered the gym after his purchase and headed to the cardio machines. He decided to warm up first before moving on the more intense workout. Ayanokouji set the treadmill to his personal settings before turning it on. The treadmill whirred to life and Ayanokouji got on. His set speed is higher than the average runner and lasted longer as well. Ayanokouji got on and began jogging.

Masterpiecekouji: I wonder if I should increase the speed of the treadmill. The speed that you selected is not sufficient and does not match the speed in the White Room.

Normalkouji: It's best to not go overkill and draw too much attention to ourselves. I've increased the time rather the speed.

**Timeskip (40 minutes later)**

The treadmill powers off and Ayanokouji stepped off it. He walked over to the right side of the gym and grabbed a towel from a cart filled with neatly folded towels. Ayanokouji wiped down the treadmill controls with a disinfectant wipe and went to the vending machine and got a bottled of water which is free of charge. Ayanokouji uncapped the bottle and took a nice, long swig.

Masterpiecekouji: I feel someone's eyes on me. Wait. I saw a camera flash.

Hornikouji: Hey. It's a platinum blonde girl. God damn! She's hot! She seems to be a senpai.

Normalkouji: Are we going to do something about this?

Annoyingkouji: No. I have a feeling that something is going to be interesting if we let it go.

Masterpiecekouji: She doesn't seem to be the kind of person to listen to what we say even we try to do something about it.

Socialkouji: Hey! She reminds me that guy...

Violentkouji: That guy... That fucking pussy.

Ayanokouji decided to ignore it for now and move onto the heavy lifting section of the gym. Ayanokouji saw Koenji, Albert, and black-haired boy with glasses. They all seemed to be doing intense workout and heavy weights.

Albert gave Ayanokouji a nod before turning his attention to the dumbbells that he's curling. Ayanokouji walked over and looked at the dumbbells.

Socialkouji: Albert seems to be the quiet guy that doesn't speak often. He's half Japanese, I believe. Maybe he can't speak too much Japanese.

Dissociative Identity AyanokoujiWhere stories live. Discover now