~ Things are getting real ~

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Day 9
I can't believe I was stupid enough to let Craig get away, I'M SO GONNA KILL ME AND I WOULDN'T DO IT QUICK I'M GONNA MAKE IT SLOW AND PAINFUL!

- Earlier that night -

Tweek opens his curtain to see Craig distraught face on the other side, he quickly opens the window and pulls Craig into his room, " OH MY GOD CRAIG! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?! WHERE WERE YOU ALL THIS TIME?! ARE YOU OK?! "

Craig grabs Tweek's hands to calm him down, " Honey calm down, I'm ok for now. Let's just take deep breaths and calm down then I will explain to you what has happened." Craig guides Tweek with some deep breathes, " Now that you have calmed down let's take a seat."

Tweek slowly sits on his bed with a worried face watching Craig sit next to him, " So what happened to you? I've been worried sick."

Craig pauses for a second trying to think of how to tell the story, " So basically, I was asleep and suddenly someone put a sack over my head and carried me away. When we got to wherever the person took off the sack and I was Eric fucking Cartman, he put me in his fucking closet tied up and my mouth taped. Fast forward the next couple days he tortured me in different way." Craig lifts up his shirt revealing new and old cut marks all over his torso, " For example, as you can see here, he cut me all over and put different things on the cuts which hurt like hell. But after the last thing he made me do I have had a enough so when he came home earlier today to torture me some more, I escaped and ran as fast as I could and ended up here."

Tweek looks at Craig with his hand over his mouth and tear-filled eyes, he lounges himself at Craig giving him a big hug, "OH MY GOODNESS CRAIG I'M SO SORRY THAT HAPPENED TO YOU. We have to tell someone about this but first let me clean up your wounds let look like they are starting to get infected.

- Time Skip -

Craig wounds were all bandaged up and Tweek gave him some of his clothes to change into. The boys sat and thought about how they were going to approach both of their parents and what Craig is going to tell them what happened. Tweek and Craig decided to go downstairs to Tweaks parents and explain to them what's going on and what they should do.

The boys walked into the living room where Tweek's parent were, they looked at Craig in shock, "Oh my goodness Craig! Where were you everyone was worried sick about you especially your parents."

Craig sat down and explained to them the same way he did to Tweek about what had happened to him. Tweek's mom immediately went over to the phone and called Craig's parents telling them to come quick and that they will explain when they get there.

Five minutes later Craig's parents arrived at the house, upon opening the door they saw Craig and burst into tears hugging and kissing him, " My baby what happened to you? Are you hurt? Are you hungry if you are we can go get your favorite food. Ohh~ I missed you so much."

- After Craig explained for the 3rd time already -

Craig's mom wiping her tears with a tissue, " That is horrible, we need to get ahold of Ms. Cartman right away and tell her what horrible things her son has done. And if she doesn't do anything I will get the police involved!"

Craig comforting his mom, "I don't think we need to get the police involved just yet maybe we should just wait and see what happens after you talk to his mom."

Mrs. Tweek standing up and walks over to the phone again, " I'll call her and tell her to come over."

Ms. Cartman arrives and looks around confused, " Oh hey everyone what's going on?" She steps slightly over almost like she was letting someone come by her. Someone slowly stands beside her, and everyone's eyes widen.

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