~ Freedom is Sweet ~

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Day 8

TODAY WAS THE MOST SHITTIEST DAY EVER !! For one fucking Craig pushed me over the edge and two Tweek is starting to ignore me. I CAN'T LOSE HIM NOW!

- Earlier that day -

Cartman sluggishly walks over to his friends who were gathered outside the school. " Hey guys what's up ?"

All three boys turn to look at Cartman, Kyle being the only one to respond. " Oh hey dude, man you look like shit are you ok?"

Cartman yawing and running his eyes, " Oh yea I'm good just didn't get much sleep I was up almost all night since I had the house to myself."

Stan deciding to join in, " Dude you sure you shouldn't just take the day off. You look like shit."

Cartman weakly putting up his middle finger, " Fuck you I'm fine, I'm just a little tired that's all."

Stan backing up, "Alright dude whatever you say, let's head in class is about to start."

All boys agreed and made their way inside the school Cartman slowly following behind.

- In Class -

Cartman was dozing off as he was sitting trying to do his work, " Man I really don't feel  good. Maybe Stan was right I should probably go home." Cartman weakly walks up to the teacher, " Can I go to the nurses office? I feel like absolute crap?"

The teacher looks up from her computer, " Sure let me write you a note" Once she was finished, Cartman took the note and slowly made his way to the Clinic. As Cartman was walking he slightly staggered causing him to fall into the lockers. After some time Cartman got to the Clinic, He told the nurse what was wrong and she called his mom.

Ms. Cartman who was currently working answered her phone, " Hello ..... Oh goodness I'm actually not able to pick him up but you can just send him home, and I will be home when he gets here."

The nurse not questioning anything, " Alright Eric you are free to go home, Be safe."

- At Home -

The second Cartman got home he went straight to his room and plopped down on his bed and shortly after falling asleep. At couple hours later ,  Cartman woke up only to find his mom still wasn't home but he was feeling a bit better still a little weak.

Cartman got up of his bed wobbling and walking over to his closet and opening it, " You ready for some more sweet sweet torture"

Craig looking up at Cartman and thinking to himself, " Man he looks like shit, maybe this will be my chance to escape since he is weaker than usual."

Cartman weakly pulls Craig up and walks him back to the bathroom, " Get in the tub and take your shirt off, I'll be back"

Cartman comes back with a hunters knife and weakly gets down on his knees infringe of the tub. He slowly starts to run the knife down Craig's chest making him wince.

Craig sitting in the tub being taking over by pain, " Ok so he didn't tie me up so whenever he turns his back that when I'm gonna make a run for it."

Cartman stood up with trembling knees and walks ti the medicine cabinet and grabs Isopropyl alcohol. As he is walking back to the tub, Craig shoots up and pushes Cartman to the floor.

Craig quickly steps over Cartman only to be dragged to the floor, " FUCK... NO I CAN'T LET HIM KEEP ME! I HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!"

Craig gets on top of Cartman grabbing the knife that Cartman had in his hand and puts it up to Cartman's throat, " IF YOU DONT LET ME THE FUCK GO I WILL CUT YOUR THROAT!"

Cartman out of fear and weakness let Craig escape. Craig shot back to his feet and booked it to the front door, after some time running he found himself at Tweeks house.

Craig ran around back and started to climb up the side of the house up to Tweek's room. Once at the window he frantically knocked on it, after a few seconds the curtain shot open and Tweek's anxious face popped into view.

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