While driving to the place where Isabelle's party was taking place, Sarah was wondering if they were going the right way. Bella's mom was entering the rich neighborhood of their city where all the big mansions were. Isabelle lived in a nice house, but it wasn't as big as these mansions. We're they going the right way?

All of Sarah's assumptions were immediately shut down when the girls all glanced at the window, their faces in amazement.

The house Isabelle's party was being held in was GIGANTIC. It was a big modern mansion. You could see the colorful lights flashing and illuminating the entire home. The music was loud and booming, and MANY people were entering. So much about so many people, there were so many parents dropping off their kids that there was no parking space close to the house.

"Welp, I couldn't find any spaces closer to the house than here, so you girls will have to walk a bit," Bella's mom said, parking the car that was at the least half a km away from the house.

"It's okay, Mom. We may even meet friends on the way, so it shouldn't be too bad!" Bella assured, her and the girls hoping out of the car.

"Be safe and have fun, girls! I'll be here to pick you guys up by 11:00, okay?" Bella's mom explained.

"Okay!" The girls chirped in unison, all waving as they began to walk down to the house. (peep peep)

Almost everyone in grade 9 was headed for the party. The jocks, the hot Asians, the pretty nerds, the artists and drama people, and so much more! Even grade 10s from the nearby highschool came by as well.

While walking, the girls came across the car where Kyle and his friends hoped out. Kyle noticed Sarah and her friends, his face lighting up.

"Hey, Sarah!" Kyle cheerfully beamed, walking up to the girls with his friends.

"Oh, Hi Kyle," Sarah replied, hugging Kyle. Everyone else chuckled behind them. The couple had already told their friends about them dating, so everyone was excited about it.

All except Bella. She was kind of worried, actually. She knew Sarah liked Benjamin, so to see her with Kyle instead of him made her suspicious.

Bella put those thoughts away, however.
She wanted to enjoy her time here at the party, and whatever was going on with Sarah shouldn't be her business anyway. Though she did wish she could ask about it.


Meanwhile, Benjamin and Isabelle were at the front door greeting the many guests that were entering the place.

"Enjoy your time here!" Isabelle cheerfully said to them all.

She glanced to the side to look at Benjamin. Something was definitely off about him. He was smiling, but his eyes looked like he was thinking of something else, something sad.

This annoyed Isabelle a bit. What was there to be possibly sad at in her party? She definitely didn't want any bad vibes this day of all days.

"Hey, you good?" Isabelle asked her boyfriend. Benjamin snapped out of his mind and turned on his bright self again.

"Yup! All good!" Benjamin replied, "Why? Is my sweet princess craving kisses?" Benjamin asked, grabbing Isabelle in his arms and pecking her all over.

"Ah! Okay, okay, that's enough," Isabelle yelped, getting Benjmain off her, "I was just checking on you, that's all," Isabelle added, smiling.

But, as soon as Benjamin looked away, that sad look in his eyes came back again. Isabelle saw it but shrugged it off since it could be something happening in his family or something. But still, she wanted to know what it was that made his face this sad during one of the biggest parties of the school year.

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