18} A Hidden Love Story

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2½ weeks earlier...

Tessy was outside in her backyard, watering the many plants her Mom had bought. There was a wide variety of plants; exotic flowers, regular flowers, and herbs. It was a colorful sight to see. Because there were so many plants, the watering process took a while to make sure all the plants got the amount of water they needed.

When Tessy was finally done, she turned off the water hose and rested in the grass.

"Ah, it's such a nice day today!" Tessy exclaimed, stretching her arms as she let the morning sun illuminate all around her. "Now, I wonder what I'll do today," she wondered, looking around her to see something she could do or work on at the least.

Tessy had a complex schedule. She always had something to do since she was always in so many extracurricular activities. Tessy was in the school's drama production. She was in nearly all the school sports teams, this including volleyball and badminton. She wasn't just doing stuff that happened in school but also outside of that. Tessy took gymnastics classes as a kid, does Taekwondo every 2 weeks, and takes digital art classes.  If she wasn't taking classes, she would go on runs, exercise, and explore various hobbies like journaling or cooking to help fill that wasteful free time.

In short, Tessy was the whole package.

Today, however, was different this time. Tessy didn't feel like journaling, cooking, or doing a hobby. None of her classes were today. For the first time in forever, Tessy had nothing to do.

Tessy looked up at the bright sky, the sun slowly heating up her clear skin. There were little clouds, so Tessy couldn't make out any shapes in the sky. There were some birds flying here and there, and even a jet that passed by. Still, Tessy observations didn't last long as she would decide to go inside her house.

The house sort of felt empty. Tessy Mom was out doing errands, and her Dad was at work. Tessy sat on the couch and turned on her phone. Maybe social media would give her something to do.

It sort of did? She managed to scroll for a good 10 minutes before feeling bored again. Tessy got up from the couch, leaving the living room and heading to her bedroom. She placed her phone on the nightstand before lying on her bed. If nothing would keep her busy, she may as well take a nap.

Tessy made herself comfy for a bit, finding her comfort spot before trying to sleep. 5 minutes in, and she was already feeling sleepy and confident she'd fall into a slumber any moment now. Just as she was about to sleep, however, well, you guys probably guessed it.


A notification rang on Tessy's phone. Tessy was close to sleep and decided to ignore it, using the pillow to cover her ears. That barely helped when a series of  notifications followed afterward. Tessy still kept ignoring and tried to go to sleep, but the person who wanted to talk to her wasn't going to give up.

*Insert Tessy's ringtone here yourself cause' I have no idea what it'd sound like*

Tessy sighed, grabbing her phone in a tiny pout. She looked at her phone screen and immediately sat up in a proper posture before answering the call. It was Simon.

"Hello!" Simon said in a grand voice, Tessy chuckling a bit.

"Hey, Simon," Tessy replied, "What's going on?" She asked.

"Me and the boys (🗿) are going bowling together, and I was wondering if you'd like to come?" Simon answered, Tessy face lighting up.

"Yes! What time and which bowling alley?"

Simon chuckled. "5:00 pm at the one in Sunset Mall," the boy clarified.

"Perfect, I'll be there right away!" Tessy answered.

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