12} Cooking Mania

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It was a Sunday morning for Benjamin. His Mom had gone out to go shopping with friends, and his dad was at work as usual. Benjamin was back to being as bored as hell. He laid face down onto the couch, burying his face into the mattress as he groaned loudly from boredom.

After deciding that lying on the couch wasn't going to cure his boredom, he got up and headed outside to his backyard. Outside, there was a table setup with an umbrella for him to relax under, so he went over and sat in the chairs. He slouched in a lazy posture in the chair as he let the scenery of nature take him. The fresh aroma, the beautiful trees, the strong smell of cut grass. It was beautiful, the sight and smells making his boredom go to an ease.

But then again, he had something to think about. His fight with Isabelle, his first fight with her since they started dating. Although that day was a while ago, it somehow kept coming back to his memory fresh. The memory kept haunting him at this point. He threw his head back in his chair as he sighed loudly before getting up and heading back inside. The once calm ambiance of nature now made him tense.

When he got inside, he dived back into the couch, a loud puff coming out of the cushions as he laid into it. This time, Benjamin wasn't going to sulk into the couch. Instead, he grabbed his phone to text one of his friends. If objects wouldn't satisfy him, people would.


Gay Monkey

Ayyy, wassup Simon!

Hey Benjamin

Are you busy rn?

Uhh, yeah, why?

Oh, I wanted you to come over, but that's okay.

You can see if Brandy's available, tho. I'm pretty sure he's doing nothing rn.

Okay, thanks, Simon.


As instructed, Benjamin decided to call Brandy to see if he was available to hang out with.

"Hello?" Brandy answered.

"Heyy Brandy!" Benjamin replied happily.

"Oh, Hi Benjamin. What's up?" Brandy asks his friend.

"You know, I'm sooo bored right now," Benjamin starts, "So I was wondering if you're available to come hang out at my house or something?" Benjamin questions.

"Oh, I'd love too-"

"Yipee! At my house in 10?"

"But I'm on a date with Maya right now," Brandy finished after being interrupted by Benjamin.

"Aw, ok, you spend time with your girl then. Cya," Benjamin finished before hanging up on Brandy. Everyone found out that Brandy and Maya had started dating, and ever since the dance, they have gone on many, many dates. Benjamin wished he could do the same thing with Isabelle, but every time they tried to go on a date, something pops up, and they had to cancel it. (Especially with Isabelle, that girl is always busy.)

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