"Par le fer!" Those words were like a broken record as they kept getting louder, getting everyone's attention. They peered through the crack in the door and the windows seeing Darkblade and his army of knights en route. Although, Cat Noir stood in their way, for the time being. The army of knights enclosing on him as Darkblade battled with him.

Seeing the situation escalating, (Y/n) looked around for any out. Everyone's attention was on the front door but the moment they turned around, well questions would arise and she didn't need that. Which was when she met Nathaniel's eyes, he knew exactly what was going through her head. Nodding his head, he would cover for her while she slipped away. That way the secret could still remain between them for now. Not to mention, no one would need to ask unwanted questions.

She'd thank him later but for now, they had an akuma to stop.

"Stagg, antlers out." She said, running to the nearest exit as she transformed. Sneaking out the back, (Y/n) doubled check to make sure no one else was nearby and the coast was clear. When everything seemed right, she leaped out, jumping to the roof as she surveyed the scene. Marinette would be stuck inside for a bit so no Ladybug would make her appearance quite yet. Which would leave (Y/n) and Cat Noir, he was making due for now but it was clear that he would be overrun soon enough. Taking on that many knights was hard for anyone. "What to do?"

That was until she heard what Darkblade asked Jagged Stone, about being the champion. That gave her an idea she could run with, her dueling skills may not be as good as Darkblade's but it should suffice.

Jumping down, (Y/n) made sure to land between the front door and Darkblade, summoning an arrow in hand as she pointed it at the akumatized man.

"I am the champion you look for. So I challenge thee to a duel, winner takes Paris. What do you say?" (Y/n) asked, seeing as the doors behind her closed. They would be protected for now and she was sure Marinette, maybe even Kim, would think fast on how to help them best. So all she needed to do was buy some time. After all, (Y/n) still didn't want to show her full hand as a hero quite yet, she knew it would better off be saved for another day, when she might truly need to use it against Hawkmoth. She didn't need him predicting all her moves after all.

"I accept. A warrior who match mine skill."

So it began, the two trading blows, (Y/n) with two arrows in each hand while Darkblade battled with his long sword. She met Cat Noir's eyes, the two silently sharing thoughts as he disappeared into the building.

"I admit thou art a challenging foe."

"Thanks, I've practiced here and there. Granted it's been awhile but I'm glad I could meet your expectations." (Y/n) said, she remember the days she did this. That blue haired girl who loved to compete with her, both of them challenging one another. It was a small joy they enjoyed, both experiencing pressure from family in one form or another. But at the time, they escaped with each other. (Y/n) missed her but reminiscing would be saved for another time.

She could feel the difference in skills, she could feel herself being pushed back bit by bit. Making her curse herself for taking time off from fencing, almost prompting her to take it up again. A thought for another time.

Still, (Y/n) kept at it as best as she could. Returning and parrying the attacks as she could, trying to find time to get her in. It wasn't easy.

"But thou art no match." With a heavy slash, (Y/n) found herself being backed up against a wall, quite literally. She felt the wooden doors behind her, there was no place to run now.

"You never know until it's over." She braced for impact, holding her arrows up to block the incoming sword. But it never came as Ladybug and Cat Noir now joined the fight. Ladybug grabbing stopping the sword mid-swing.

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