Chapter 19: Luxury

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The following day, Nighthawk was flying with Commander Shark and a dozen other seawings. He wasn't sure where he was going, but he knew it must've been important. They had left early that morning, heading south based on the movement of the sun. They arrived at an astoundingly tall island which had a thick jungle on top. He tilted his head.


"Alright, the queen has granted you special access to the Summer Palace. Do not abuse this privilege. You're lucky we didn't blindfolded on your way here."

"I see. So you've decided that I was worthy to see this highly secret, exclusive, exquisite spire of rock. Got it. Beautiful." Nighthawk remarked but received a small glare from the commander, as well as a sigh.

"Once you see the inside you'll withdraw your statement, Nightwing." Shark grumbled and shot down towards the sea. Nighthawk followed, staying close. "Oh, and I did warn you not to bring that cloak of yours. This is why." He dove underwater.

Nighthawk grumbled, not wanting to get wet. He looked at the other seawings and shook his head. "Is there no other way?"

"Nope. Into the water." One said before landing on his back and forcing him into the sea, making the Nightwing yell out in anger. He popped his head back up and took a deep breath.

"Bloody hell- what is wrong with you?" Nighthawk growled and splashed him with his wing. Then he inhaled and dove back under. The seawings led him through two spires that curled towards each other at the top. Behind was an opening that led into the palace, which is where the seawings went. He followed. After a minute of swimming they showed him to an air pocket where he could breathe. This went on three more times before he surface and gazed up at the actual structure.

It was beautiful. Many platforms that got smaller and smaller the further up. It almost taller than any structure he'd ever gazed upon. The columns holding up the platforms spiraled around them for structural support. He shook some water off, grumbling a little before he started to fly up.

"First we are meeting the queen. Then you'll find your own private quarters, and lastly you'll meet with the prisoner we captured yesterday. Cardinal, I think it was."

"Yes, her. Got it." Nighthawk still flew up with Shark, finally landing with the queen on the center platform. He looked at Queen Coral and bowed his head. "Your majesty."

"Nighthawk! There you are. Pleased to meet you!" Queen Coral said, wearing her pearls as usual. King Gill and Blister were beside her. One he respected and the other he disliked. "You've arrived, are you ready for your award?"

"An award?" Nighthawk asked and tilted his head. "I don't need and award, I didn't do much." He said humbly.

"Nonsense.." Blister insisted and stood up. "You saved all those poor villages, and the Harbor. You deserve something special." She spoke in that slithery tone that made her seem as snakelike as the scrolls wrote.

"Yes you do. Intelligence is a very useful tool in war. You helped prevent the needless loss of life." Gill said kindly. "We think you should get something for that."

"Hm." Nighthawk looked at them, not used to this sort of thing. He shrugged. "Yes, alright. An award." He said quielty. He was gestured forward, and the queen reached forward with a scroll. This was confusing. He opened it and read the title.

The Brave Nightwing, it wrote.

"A scroll?"

"Yes! I thought it would be wonderful if you had some history written about you." Queen Coral smiled. The king and Blister both looked at her, a little skeptical but not surprised.

"Thanks.." Nighthawk said with a shrug. He wasn't wanting an award, but he found this to be rather silly. "I'll read it later, once I'm settled in."

"Oh, of course." Queen Coral smiled and nodded before standing. She went to shake his talon. He hesitantly accepted the gesture and pulled his talon back once it was done.

"Shark, can you take him to his quarters?"

"Yes I can." He bowed and stood up. "Follow me."

"Thank you, your majesty." Nighthawk said quietly. He and shark leaped off the platform and he was led to an empty cave in the wall. It was dark and cool inside, unlike the hot ocean sun. The canopy helped with the temperature.

"Here you are. Shall you need anything there is a marketplace on another platform." Shark said before glancing around the empty cave. It had a water pool for a bed. "Oh, no fire in these, I can see if she'll make an acception for you."

"Of course." Nighthawk glanced around and looked at the scroll finally. He huffed and rolled his eyes a little.

"Yes I know, silly isn't it? She did that for me once and I had to stop myself from laughing. My sister is a unique one."

"I'll say. Still a better queen than scarlet. Heard enough about her, saw her palace from a distance. Not the happiest place." Nighthawk said with a shrug. "I like this kingdom a lot better."

"That's for sure. Glad you think so. Now, I'll be on my way." Shark said before turning to leave. Nighthawk watched as the commander left his cave. He figured he should get it furnished, but not yet. He sighed and opened up the scroll.

"The Brave Nightwing. Fuckin hell.. Sounds like something a child would write.." And despite his displeasure over such an award, he decided to read it.

"During the great war, the seawings were winning and doing a fantastic job! Then a group of sinister skywings began to plan devastating attacks to innocent villages and islands, how terrifying! That is, until a Nightwing came out of nowhere and found out their top secret plans to destroy us." He read through some of it, and stopped.

"Oh brother.." He sighed and kept reading.

"This Nightwing, was named Nighthawk. A brave handsome dragon who swooped in, stole the plans and warned the villages. With the might of the seawings and the intelligence, we were triumphant! And everyone shall live happy and safe thanks to this wonderful Nightwing blessing."

He fought the urge to gag. His snout wrinkled and he huffed. "Silly writing for dragonets, hopefully not all her scrolls are like that.." He muttered to himself. "But at least I'll be remembered for something good." It was starting to turn around for him. Even if the award was a little less serious than it should've been, he was going to be known as the good guy, something he never thought to happen in his entire life.

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