Like Dreamers Do

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“Hello, love.” Paul said as Celia and I went backstage at the Cavern.

“Hello, darling.” He pulled me in for a hug.

“Alright,” John scoffed, “we’re on in five minutes. Ready, McCartney?”
Paul nodded and grabbed his bass.
“I’ll see you after the show.” I winked as Celia and I walked into the audience.
As we settled and waited for The Beatles to come on, I noticed Freda Kelly standing next to me again.
“Oh, hey, Freda!” I said as she turned to face me.

“Hi, Gloria!” We smiled at each other then turned our focus back to the stage, like we always did when we talked.
The fans roared with excitement as the four boys set foot on the stage, Paul immediately looked at me and smiled.
“Hi, I’m Paul McCartney, and we are The Beatles.” He said as he turned back towards the others, “we would like to start off with a number that I dedicate to someone in the audience who I love, you know who you are.” He was eyeing me the entire time he spoke, then started going into the song Like Dreamers Do.
“I, I saw a girl in my dreams, and so it seems that I will love her. Oh, you, you are that girl in my dreams, and so it seems that I will love you.” He stared at me while he sang this part.
I smiled through the entire song. I couldn’t believe that this amazing guy had just come into my life the day before and that we already confessed our love for each other.
“Well, here’s one we think you’ll love. Here’s a song called Boys, Ringo!” Paul moved to the back of the stage and Ringo started singing the song Boys. I thought he sang rather well.
The show went on with the same songs they usually did, such as Besame Mucho, Ain’t She Sweet, Twist and Shout, etc. Celia seemed to enjoy it, she was staring at George the entire time.
“Finally, we’d like to end with a ballad that we love performing. This song goes out to my girlfriend, Gloria Anderson.” I gasped lightly when he said my name, “I love you, darling.” I blew him a kiss before they started singing their final song of the night.
“A taste of honey, tasting much sweeter than wine, do-do-n-do, do-do-n-do.” I mouthed the words to myself as Paul continued to sing the lovely ballad he had dedicated to me, “I dream of your first kiss, and then, I feel upon my lips again a taste of honey,”
I loved John and George’s harmonising after Paul would say ‘a taste of honey.’

The song went by fast, as I was enjoying it so much. The ending was my favourite part of the song, though, so that was a plus.

“I will return, yes, I, I, I will return. I’ll come back…”

“He’ll come back…”

“For the honey…”

“For the honey…”

“And you!”

I hadn’t realised I had been crying until Celia asked me if I was alright.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” I answered as the band went backstage. “Come on!”
We rushed backstage, entering their dressing room. Paul could see the tears on my cheeks, and he pulled me into his arms.
“What’s wrong, my love?”

“Nothing, that song is just so beautiful. Thank you so much, dear.” I placed a kiss on his cheek.

After a couple minutes of all of us talking, Celia went home and the others went back to their homes, as well. As for Paul and I, we went back to his apartment again and we….

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