XXI. The Screams of the Dead

Start from the beginning

Sensing the depth of Madeleine's distress, Daryl approaches her cautiously, his eyes conveying both concern and understanding.

"Do you want me to hold her?" He offers, his voice soft and empathetic as he worries about the women.

Madeleine's eyes flicker slightly, revealing a turmoil deeper than just grief, an unspeakable burden weighing on her. Hershel, worried about Madeleine's well-being, attempts to reach out to her, but she shields her sister from any further intrusion, protectively holding the baby closer to her chest. When Daryl places a comforting hand on her shoulder, she reacts impulsively, pushing his touch away, seeking solace in the embrace of her crying brother.

Witnessing Rick's overwhelming grief, he crumbles, collapsing to the ground in agony, his anguished cries echoing through the courtyard at the profound loss of the mother of his children. The group watches in solemn silence, enveloped by a shroud of sorrow and helplessness, unsure of how to console each other amidst such devastating circumstances.

Daryl slightly bends down, waving a hand over Rick's face. "Rick, you with me? Rick?"

Madeleine clears her throat, the attention adverting over to her as she cradles her newborn sister, "We're gonna need to feed it."

Daryl nods, glancing over at the rest of the group. "We got anything a baby can eat?"

Acknowledging the urgency, Hershel walks closer to Madeleine and gives her a sympathetic look, his eyes falling to the baby on her arms. The women slowly hands her sister over to him, the older man examining the newborn. "The good news is she looks healthy. But she needs formula. And soon, or she won't survive."

Daryl shakes his head in denial, placing the crossbow over his shoulder. "No. No way. Not her. We ain't losing nobody else. I'm going for a run."

"I'll back you up." Maggie confirms, ready to assist in the search.

"I'll go too." Glenn speaks up, wanting to make sure his friend doesn't have one more burden to put up with.

"Where's Carol?"

When Madeleine raises the query about Carol's whereabouts, the group exchanges glances, conveying the devastating truth that Carol, like Lori, did not survive the attack.

Glenn swallow the lump on his throat, strolling carefully toward the women he thinks will break in front of them. "We lost her. She's gone. We lost T-Dog, as well." He places a hand on her shoulder, the women stepping away from his touch. "Hey, I'm here if you need anything. I'm sorry about Lori. And Carol."

"We're here for you." Maggie says with a soft smile, but Madeleine remains emotionless, reflecting the emptiness pumping through her veins.

In the midst of the conversation among the group, Madeleine remains silent and withdrawn. Her posture rigid, eyes fixed on the ground, and her demeanor noticeably distant, betraying an air of emotional detachment. The weight of recent events seems to have hardened her emotions, leaving her seemingly unaffected by the ongoing discussions.

Daryl leans into Beth's ear, adverting his eyes between her and Hershel. "Kid just lost his mom. His dad ain't doing so hot. Mads is going to need help."

Beth nods, "I'll look out for them."

The muffled cries of the baby abruptly pull Madeleine out of her trance-like state, prompting her to cast a concerned glance toward her sister. In this moment, Rick approaches Madeleine and extends his hand, silently requesting her sword that's strapped to her back. Their eyes meet briefly, a silent understanding passing between them, before Madeleine unclips the sword and hands it to him.

𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, 𝐁𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | TWD [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now