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Lucy's pov

After work, me and Tim head out for a meal at the place we had out first "Date", I see someone that looks far too much like Tamara. " Tim, the girl across the street. Who does it look like?" 

"Tamara", he says, a confused look sat on his face. I look over to see her with a lad who seems angry. Suddenly, I see the boy grab her hand more aggressively than is necessary so I quickly stand up. 

I reach for my badge and yell "OI, dumb arse. Get off her before you're arrested for assault." 

"Yeah and I'll be gone before the cops get here so go Call them" He says with a cocky tone.

"Oh yeah?" I say before showing my bage. 

"Wow, I could take you down before you could arrest me" he laughs.

Before I know it Tim and I are pinning him down and calling for backup. The whole situation happens very quickly, and I barely have any time to focus on it.


Back at the station, we continue to work on the Rosline case. I'm in charge of talking with Rosline so me and Tim head towards the prison where she is being kept to talk with her. "Don't let her get to you" Tim says while holding my hand. 

I nod, knowing she will no matter how hard I try but if I don't expose my self. I should not be a cop.

We arrive and head inside. "You must be Officer Chen and Seargent Bradford?" the officer says. "I'm Officer Percy, let's go and see the Devil." I laugh slightly, causing Tim to smile. We  arrive at her cell to see her back towards the bars. 

"Officer Bradford and Officer Chen" She says, "Nice to see you again" 

"Rosline stop it right now or I swear to god" Officer Percy says.

"Anyway, what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you two?" She says, a smirk sat on her face.

"We know you have had contact with Chris, so spill who else?" Tim says.

"Well I can give you hints. He's an office that you know and love but someone you would Not expect. That's all i'm saying" 

A:N; im so sprry this chapter is a short one. I promise the next one will be longer. 

PLz leave ideas idk what to write anymore :0

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