goes wrong

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Lucy's pov (flash back)

It's been around a month since I joined the LAPD, my TO Tim Bradford making Tim tests a daily thing and I've always got to be on high alert with something he's testing me on. We arrive at a house on a possible robbery, "Call it in boot" Bradford says.

"7Adam15, we have a possible code 459 in progress, be on standby in case backup is needed." I say, my heart no longer races anymore when I call in a code or go on a call. We get out of the car, the house's front door open and I look over to Officer Bradford. He gives a nod before we pull out our guns as we arrive at the door of the house. 

"Chen, you take downstairs. I'll take upstairs but remember everything I taught you." Tim says and I nod, everything he taught me the last month and a bit flickering through my head. I head into the house with my gun in my hand trying to keep focused. I check every room with caution, not seeing anything that stuck out like a sore thumb. I see nothing so I make my way back towards the stairs when suddenly I have a rag placed over my face and everything begins to go dark.

Tim's  pov

I hear a bang from downstairs in the house, I quickly rush down and check every room for Lucy with no luck at all. I find nothing but her radio, I quickly call in the code "7Adam15, we have a 211. Officer Lucy Chen is missing" I say, my heart racing. Not because she was my rookie or is it I don't know.

Within just a few minuets Lopez, West, Bishop, Nolan, Grey and many other detectives and officers are all on scene. "The only things we could find of Officer Chen's is her radio, her body cam and her gun. The house belongs to a woman named Kelly Anderson, she's been living with her parents and rents out the house apparently. I'm going to go track her down." A detective says. 

Officer Grey walks up to me after talking with a detective, "We need you at the station so we can go through everything you know."  I nod before heading back, my head all over the place, but I know we have to find Chen. I arrive at the shop (the car) and look over to where Lucy was sat less than an hour ago, it's a short drive but feels way longer in my head. I head inside and see Bishop pulling up with Jackson, them carrying the evidence box inside. 


They take my statement and I head home for the rest of the day, my mind not stopping. I sit in the roll call room the next morning to a few new leads from a female serial killer Rosalind Dyer and someone named Caleb Wright. Caleb had been renting the house and he had worked with Rosalind before while she was serving her sentence. She had phoned Nolan while he was clocking out from his shift. 

We were able to get warrants to search for his phone and pin it's last known location to hopefully track Lucy down. 

Lucy's pov

It's been a week since I went missing, Caleb says today is the day for my surprise. To say I'm scared would be an understatement, I just hope I'm found soon. Before I know what's happening, I'm blindfolded and taken at least 20 miles away.
The roads turn into what seems like dirt roads, my fear increasing. Questions running through my head, Are they looking for me? Am I going to die?

He took the blindfold off my eyes and led me up a hill just a few miles away from the edge of LA and walked me up to a hole in the ground. With my hands tied, he instructed me to get into the barrel. He found and placed the lid on to stop me from escaping. Within a few minuets the barrel was moving and my fear increased again. I know I must remain calm especially now as the heavier my breaths are, the more oxygen I will take up.

Before I know it, I'm in the barrel and the hour seems to pass really slowly. I begin singing a song to keep me sane a little. I try everything but within a little of me singing, I pass out.

(A/N; okay this story is going to run in a different order to the series be aware)

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