UC case- Dim and Juicy

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No one's POV (A/N; okay this story is going to run in a different order to the series be aware)

I often find myself in the shop with Jackson, as we have been riding together every day since we became P2s months ago. "Officer Chen, please switch to channel 7," instructed Sergeant Grey. 

Lucy switches to Chanel 7, "Is there something you need sir?" Lucy asks. 

"Chen I need you at the station," Grey says, "West I need you to finish your shift with Nolan." We both let him know we were on our way back. Once we arrive, Nolan and West both head back out for the rest of their shift while I head to Grey's office to see what he needs. 

"Sir?" I say as I head in. 

"Lucy, there is a UC case that I need you to work with Tim, you look like a girl named Sava and Tim looks like a man named Jake. Or as they like to say Juicy and Dim, if you want to you can head down to the interrogation room to see Lopez and Bradford." Lucy thanks Grey before walking down to the rooms. 

"Lucy", Angela says as Lucy walks into the room. 

"Hi" Tim says with a smile on his face, Lucy smiles back and Angela looks between them. Knowing something is going on between them, "Okay, Chen you will be going undercover as Juicy" and points to the window we have.

"Hello?" They hear Sava say.

"Where is Dim?" Luce asks. 

"He's in a holding cell where he and Sava will be staying until after this operation is finished. Angela says. "We have Jake's phone, Tim you will keep it and as he and his boss have never met before you can go under as him whenever needed." 


~ (Tim's Pov)

Lucy and I both head back to her apartment after a long shift. Jake's phone is in my pocket in case of a phone call and with instructions to 1- use slang, 2- don't be Tim, 3- phone Grey and Lopez if anyone calls why we aren't on shift and finally 4- always stay with Lucy.

"Tim, do you want a beer?" I hear Lucy say, pulling me out of thoughts. 

"Yeah please" She nods and brings over 2 beers for us, she cuddles into my side and has a content smile on her face. 

"You know I'm glad I broke it off with Chris, he seemed a bit weird of us for a while, even though back then nothing was going on between us, he told me to stay away, you know, but I told him with you being my TO that wasn't happening and then the other UC case happened, and yeah." I lean down and kiss her head.

"You know I'm glad too, you always have been something special to me and I'm glad I figured out why." Just as I finished talking the phone began ringing.

A/N: T= Tim
? =boss

?= am I speaking to Jake?
T= Yes speaking
?= You still want the job?
T= yes
?= Meet me at the address I sent you and if you aren't here by two sharps. I'll get someone else for the job, come alone
T= Okay, see you tomorrow

After a quick phone call to Angela, me and Lucy lay on the sofa watching a show or two before cooking tea and heading to bed. 

Around 2 the next day, I arrived at the address I was sent. I knew there was a rescue team waiting to intervene and a sniper waiting to kill anyone that may try to harm me. "Jake?" The man stood in front of me says.

"Yeah, what's this job you need?" I question, trying to sound like Jake and using slang where I can.

"I need to iron out a few details so I'm not sure what the next steps are but like I said the last time we met this job is double your last one," he says now looking at me. "You know most think ya' dumb but I don't know about it. The last job you did, you lost the drugs but other than that, you're all right. This job isn't to hang with ya' lass, it's to get a job done and stay out of trouble, and I mean it." 

"Okay, let me know the details soon. I can't wait around all of the time waiting for your call." 

"You'll hear back when I know the details", he says, before turning away. "I'll be in touch, be ready for a call." I nodded before walking away. I see the rescue car parked across the street; I get into Jake's car before driving away. 

I arrive at the station to see Lucy talking with Grey and Harper. I walk up to them and a wash of relief washes over Lucy's face. "Tim, how did it go?" Nyla asks.

"Went well, just waiting for the next call." I speak.

"Good work" Grey says. 

Lucy's Pov (during the meeting)

Me and the rescue team are all sat outside of the meeting, my worries for Tim kicking in, this is his second UC case, but it could be his 100th case and I'd still be worried. We sit by the door waiting to head in case of an emergency. "Rescue team stand by" Anegla says through the radio. 

I stand with the gun in my hand and a team full of other officers behind me, waiting for something to go wrong. The fear of something going wrong builds up but I must stay focused on the task. Suddenly I hear "rescue team stand down; Tim is heading out now" 

We quickly make our way down the stairs before running to the van before anyone can come out of the building. Once I see Tim walk out of the building, I tell one of the officers to drive and we head back to the station. I saw Harper and Grey standing outside and as I headed in; they called me over. "I need you to look at Sava, so you know she talks and dresses." I nod and as we finish speaking, Tim walks over.

"Tim, how did it go?" Nyla asks.

"Went well, just waiting for the next call." he speaks.

"Good work" Grey says. 

We headed into the station together and I headed to the gear room, giving them all the gear, we used in case things went south. "Luce so how about you come to mine tonight?" Tim asks. 

"Sure", I say with a smile on my face. Angela walks past us just as Jake's phone rings. "Yo' what's up?" Tim says trying to sound like Jake. 

"We got the details straight, the job is happening tomorrow at nine, be at the location I sent an hour before. Is your old lady straight?" 

"Hell nah', I'm not spending the rest of today and tomorrow waiting for a mystery gig. You better tell us in the morning what this gig is." I say before the call ends. 

"Okay, head home and be ready to go to his case by seven tomorrow." We agreed, get changed before heading to Tim's truck.

"What do you want for tea?" Tim asks with a hand on my knee and the other on the wheel.

"How about Thai?" 

He smiles and looks at me before turning back. I phone in our order for the food. Before we finished the drive, we headed into the house. Kojo greeting us at the door. "He hated most of my last girlfriends" he says with a smile.

"That's because he knows me and I'm amazing" I say with the smile I know Tim loves; the smile causes Tim to smile. We sat on the sofa waiting for the food to be delivered, "you know when I started as a rookie, I said to Jackson, "you know I think I'm developing feelings for Tim "and his response was "Lucy chen you really?""

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