1. The Aftermath Of The War!

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Harry breathed heavily as he remembered the particular scene from the Battle of Hogwarts, a day when he lost everything. A killing curse from the wand of Bellatrix Lestrange had snatched away Hermione from him. He had lost his best friend, his lover and the person he had looked forward to the future with. His heartbreak and rage had been immense. Bellatrix had known first-hand about it.

"Ehhehehehe! Awww is Baby Pottah sad that his mudblood is gone? Don't you worry, my master, will see you reunited with him! Ehhehehehehe~" Bellatrix taunted Harry after she had killed Hermione.

Harry's eyes were red from crying. His face was of the same colour due to the rage he was feeling due to his loss. The spell that came out of his wand was of the same colour.

"Crucio!" Harry snarled. The spell hit Bellatrix, who wasn't expecting the pain she felt. Harry cruelly kept her under a spell for 30 agonizing seconds. Bellatrix was shivering badly due to the aftermath of the torture curse, overpowered by Harry.

"Osteomalacia!" Harry's next curse softened all of Bellatrix's bones in her chest and abdominal region, by so much that all of the said bones broke simultaneously due to her shivering leading her lungs and heart to collapse. And with that Bellatrix met her end, cruelly and rightfully deserving.

|Flashback end|

Harry had been on a warpath after that. None of the death-eaters he faced after that, we're stunned or incapacitated. They had all lost their lives for being on the other end of Harry's wand.  Numerous 'cutting curses', 'exploding curses', 'banishing curses', 'piercing curses' and 'Flame summoning charms' had left Harry's wand and collected many lives. He had then faced Voldemort defiantly and met his killing curse with his own.

"Avada Kedavra!" Voldemort snarled as the lethal green-coloured curse left the Elder wand and sped towards Harry.

Harry, filled with hatred raised his wand and uttered the curse, no-one thought he would ever use.

"Avada Kedavra!" The same life-snuffing curse left Harry's wand and both Harry and Voldemort were engaged in the struggle for dominance of magical power.

After some time, Voldemort faltered due to magical feedback as a screech that was familiar to Harry was heard across the now-destroyed great hall. Harry smirked knowing Nagini- Voldemort's familiar and the last horcrux that was keeping Voldemort unkillable was destroyed.

Before Voldemort could fire a curse again, Harry had dismembered Voldemort with two well-placed 'Lacareo'. Two 'bone breakers' collided with Voldemort's knee as his screams of pain intensified.

"Crucio!" The torture curse Voldemort felt was terrifying for any observers as none of them had ever imagined the feared dark lord to be making such horrifying pained screams and that at the hand of a teenager.

Voldemort discreetly tried to summon every death eater in the vicinity so that they could distract Potter enough for Voldemort to retreat and recuperate, but it was for nought. Any death eater loyal enough to do so had been already killed and the rest of them were too afraid to even step out in the presence of Potter who had been acting as a Reaper and collecting souls from death eaters.

Harry walked in front of the completely useless Voldemort, who couldn't even amass enough concentration to 'disapparate'. The port-key, he had been wearing for emergencies such as this was his ring, and was similarly useless seeing his hands were no longer connected to his body.

"You should receive a fitting end, Tom. You were very proud of your Slytherin lineage who was said to hate Gryffindor. It's only fitting I end you using the Gryffindor's legacy." Harry snarled and called upon the sword of Godric Gryffindor in his mind. After a second or so, the sword appeared in Harry's hand who touched it to Voldemort's chest, where his heart should be.

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