V.1 - 7. The Emerald Forest pt 2

Start from the beginning

Weiss: she turns back around to face Ruby. "I'm not bossy! Don't say things like that!"

Ruby: "Stop treating me like a kid!"

Weiss: "Stop acting like a kid!"

Ruby: "Well, stop acting like you're perfect!"

Weiss: "I'm. Not. Perfect! Not yet... But I'm still leagues better than you maybe even those two as well." She continues to walk away.

F/N: "HA!... Funny seriously that was funny next joke, I could go for a laugh."

Lilith: "Excuse me! I'll have you know I'm much better than you!" She says while stomping the ground with her foot.

Ruby: to herself, dejectedly. "You don't even know me..."

F/N: "Don't worry about her Ruby she always been difficult... but not like that." I really need to get away from these two.

Lilith: "Yeah Ruby don't let her drag you down!"

Ruby: "Thanks you two" She say with a small smile.

F/N: "Well! Me and Lilith are going our own way."

Ruby: "Wait?!" She quickly turns to them. "You're leaving me with her!" She latches onto F/n with anime tears. "Don't leave meeeee!" While she shakes
F/N violently.

F/N: He somehow gets out of Ruby's death grip. "Yep, BYE!" He shouts as he runs, with Lilith bowing apologetically to Ruby as she runs off to

Lilith: "Sorry Ruby also it was nice meeting you! my names Lilith by the way!" With that they both disappear into the forest going in the right direction to the temple.

Ruby: "This day is getting worse..." she kicks the ground as she follows Weiss.

We switch to Yang and Blake walk out into a clearing, revealing the ruined stone temple into view. There are platforms around its inside with several black and gold chess pieces and two king emerald chess pieces as well.

Can you tell which one you're grabbing. :)

Yang: "Think this is it?"

Blake gives Yang an "I don't know" look and heads down the hill, her partner following. They walk across the floor and observe the items on each pedestal, now shown to be chess pieces.

Blake: looks at the black king chess piece, confused. "Chess pieces?"

Yang: "Some of them are missing. Looks like we weren't the first ones here."

Blake: "Well, I guess we should pick one."

Jaune and Pyrrha are standing at the entrance to cave, where drawings are shown to the side involving armed men against giant beasts.

Jaune: "Think this is it?"

It cuts to them walking inside the cave, Jaune holding a burning torch to light their way through the darkness.

Pyrrha: "I'm not sure, this is it kinda of creepy tho."

Jaune: He sighs. "Pyrrha, I made the torch. Could you at least humor me for, like, five more feet?"

Suddenly Jaune trips on the ground with the torch flying into a puddle extinguishing it as they both are surrounded by darkness with their eyes only visible to us.

Pyrrha: As Jaune gets up and grumbles. "Do you... feel that?"

Jaune: "Soul-crushing regret?"

Pyrrha: "No, it's... warm."

Back at the temple, Yang approaches one of the relics.

Yang: "Hmmmm..." She studies the golden knight, then picks it up and shows it to Blake. "How about a cute little pony?"

Blake: smirking. "Sure." They walk towards each other to the center of the temple floor.

Yang: "That wasn't too hard!"

Blake: "Well, it's not like this place is very difficult to find." They both share a smile.

Jaune and Pyrrha continue to walk through the cave until they see a large glowing object in front of them which illuminates Jaune's excited face.

Jaune: "That's the relic!" he slowly reaches out to grab it but suddenly moves away from his grasp. "Hey! Bad... relic!" He tries to get it again, then jumps forward and hangs onto it as the glowing object raises him above the ground. "Gotcha!"

Pyrrha: Worried. "Jaune...?" I don't think that's the relic, she thinks to herself as she watches Jaune dangle in the air hanging on to the object.

The object lowers as it dangles Jaune in front of the now glowing red lines and eyes revealing it to be a Death Stalker.

Jaune: "Oh no..." was the last thing he's says

Until Jaune's scream is heard from the ruined temple which causes Yang to turn in the direction of the scream.

Yang: "Some girl's in trouble! Blake, did you hear that?"

But Blake doesn't her answer as she stares at something in the sky.

Back at the entrance of the cave, Pyrrha rushes out with the Death Stalker just crashing through the hole roaring and swinging it grass covered claws as Jaune hangs from its stinger, calling and screaming for help.

I kept reading and writing it as death claw instead of Death Stalker but thinking of it now it would be a good monster to use as a Grimm hint hint.

Jaune: Sobbing. "Help! Whoa-ah-ah-ah-ah! Why?! Pyrrha! He-e-e-elp! Pyrrha, this is not the relic! It's not!" He continues to cry and get shaken around. "Do something!"

Pyrrha: wielding Miló in front of the Death Stalker. "Jaune! Whatever you do, don't let-" before she can finish, the Grimm hurls its tail back and launches a still screaming Jaune across the forest as she watches in dismay. "... go." she turns back to the Grimm as it continues to snap its claws at her getting close to her, she smiles embarrassedly before turning and running away in a burst of green leaves.

Blake is still staring at something in the sky, but Yang is still focused on the forest from where the scream was heard.

Yang: "Blake, did you hear that?" She finally turns to her partner. "What should we do?"

All of a sudden a faint but growing louder scream of "Heads uuuuuuuup!" is heard when Ruby falls from the sky and most likely crashing to the ground as it switches to F/n and Lilith running in the direction of the temple, sometime before Ruby's crash landing.



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