Have a girls day...

Start from the beginning

After a moment of silence I remember my plans for next weekend.

"Hey ma? Next saturday we should hand out just you and me... Have a girls day. I'll plan everything. Yeah?" I ask still sniffiling.

My mom visibly beams. It's a pretty sight: with her fiery red hair now streaked with gray, blue eyes and a smile that can kill. Too bad I don't look like her.

"Yes, I would love that mi niña preciosa." Mom coos.

I finally sneeze.


After having watched a few episodes of "El Señor De Los Cielos" on Telemundo with mami and taking a quick shower, I text Jacob.

"meet @ trail in 10?"

"u want me to run @12?!?!?! no way dude!"


"thingz i do 4 u Zoe." I can practically see his eye roll. "OK"

I pull on a pair of sweats and a black sports bra. My light brown hair is wet and falling in waves...Oh, and I don't have time to dry it. "Oh, well if it dry into a hot mess so be it." I think as I'm grabbing my keys and walking into the kitchen to grab two water bottles. Mom sees me from where she's lying on the couch. "Your going out at this hour and wearing that?" I roll my eyes and tell her tell I'm going for a run. "You tell Jacob he better keep you safe porque si no te mato." I snort. "Ma, if anyone is going to take care of someone it'd be me taking care of Jacob." Mom laughs, saying goodbye, telling me to be careful and if anything call her. I kiss her goodbye. "I will, Bendición Ma."

"Dios te bendiga Bella."

Looking at my watch I see it's been about ten minutes since I texted Jay and I have to be at the trail in five to meet him on time. Guess I'm running there. I'm almost to the trail when Jacob runs past me.

"Your going to be late!" He shouts at me.

How the hell?.. Jackass. Jay stops running when he gets to the start of the trail, I use this moment to smash into him knocking him down. He grunts.... I on the other hand laugh like a madman, I'm not what you call small. Geez, I have to shake my head at the fact I've been here no more than thirty something odd hours after a whole year and it's like I never left.

Jay takes advantage of the moment I space out for like two point five seconds to push me off him and sit on me. Like he's legitimately just sitting on me which hurts because even though I'm not small he's freaking huge compared to me. He needs to get off like now before he leaves his ass imprint on my fucking abdomen. But he won't because he's an asshole.

"How about I get off if you give me the penny." You wanna repeat that again?

"Excuse me?"

"Give me the penny." The bastard has the nerve smile his shit eating grin.


When we we're little...About six or so Jay's parents took us to a dinner that had one of those machines you put a penny and it stamps an image on it. Well Coach gave Jay and me a penny each. Jay's penny got stamped with a picture of Mickey Mouse. Jacob doesn't like Mickey Mouse and wanted mine because it looked like a burning rose and had a hole at the top that wasn't supposed to be there. I now wear the penny around my neck on a gold chain he brought me for my going away present last summer.

"You know you don't want it, your just being mean. Come on I'll buy you a new charm for your chain."

"Read. My. Lips. Noooo." He promptly stares at my lips then licks his. I take this moment to wriggle free.

"Your an ass, you know that?" I finally am able to roll out from under him and smack him upside his head. "Ouch! What was that for?"

"For fucking sitting on me, that's why." I laugh shaking my head. "Now lets go I wanna actually run before I go home.

"I'm coming, I'm coming."

We're able to run two hours before Jay calls it quits. When I get home it's a quarter to three. Mom fell asleep on the couch, I'm guessing to wait up on me. I turn off the T.V. and tuck a blanket around her. Kissing her forehead I head up the stairs. When I get to my room I get a change of clothes and take another shower. After I get dressed in a sports bra and leggings I fall face first on bed. I'm almost asleep when Jacob texts me.

"Hey you awake still?"


"OK, night Love."

I fall asleep smiling.  

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