Walking And Waking

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Delilah sits up and stretches, she looks around, her eyes widen, some how she forgot that they are now in a Witches house.

She looks at Luz's empty sleeping bag and gets up, she walks around until she finds Eda stood in the main room drinking something.

Delilah: "Hey. Where's Luz?"

Eda looks over, looking tired.

Eda: "She's selling some stuff for me."

Delilah looks around and notices that King is gone too, she presumes that he went with her sister.

Eda looks at Delilah and puts scratches her head.

Eda: "While you're here, I need help with something in my shed, then I want you to go buy some stuff for my elixirs."

Delilah nods and follows Eda to the shed.

Eda: "I found this on a trip to the human realm, it looks weird but i'm guessing that it's some strange medical device or something."

They move towards something which is being hidden by a large sheet.

Eda grabs the sheet and pulls it off, it takes a moment to fully come off but when it does it reveals a machine which causes Delilah's eyes to start watering.

It's a strange robot bed, it has a white round head with a large black eye which has been revealed due to a large crack on the round head, the head also has an ingraved cross on it with 'Dreamlike reality' writen on it, the bed also has a 'normal' robotic fingers on a disk shaped 'hand' with spikes on it, like a buzzsaw, the other arm seems to be broken but should still be able to move, on the end of the bed it has a few spider like legs which let it move.

It was her brothers bed.

Delilah: "Where did you find this?"

Eda looks at her and smiles

Eda: "It was near some city or town, oh and it was next to a broken statue of some kind."

Delilah moves towards the bed's hand and lightly hold one of the fingers.

Delilah: "...I can fix it."

Eda smiles and begins to leave.

Eda: "Great! When you finish go and buy my stuff."

She passes Delilah a list and leaves.

Delilah climbs up the bed and begins to open up the machine and gently moves some metal parts around. She eventually fixes the head which causes it to jolt.

Delilah falls back onto the hard ground, letting out a small pained squeak.

The bed's red eye suddenly burst to life and frantically looks around and finally notices Delilah sat on the floor.

It tries to move, but it can only move it's head slighty, it begins to struggle until it spots Delilah.

Delilah: "H-hey, you're okay now."

It immediately calms down.

Delilah: "I-I'm just going to fix the rest of you now."

The machine nods slightly, she moves towards a small panel near its arm, after moving some wires and gears the machine's arms jolt to life, she moves to its spider-like legs and continues to fix it, the machine passes her some tools which she gladly accepts. After a while its legs start moving.

Delilah: "Are you... okay?"

The Bed nods and gently puts its arm under Delilah and picks her up, she falls back in surprise and ends up sitting on its hand, Delilah squeaks in surprise.

Dreams and Nightmares (Delilah/Bedman? X The Owl House)Where stories live. Discover now