Onyx Egg

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A group of young adventurers covered in soot sat in a rather dark and gloomy forest by campfire after completing a job although the damage they caused on said job cost them most of their reward for repair on a crypt they were raiding. This group consisted of Arthur, The Mage apprentice, Devarius, The Paladin in training, Aliza, Elven thief and rouge, and Xepug, youngest orc berserker in his tribe.
"That was a disaster."
Devarius pinched the bridge of his nose.
"I said I was sorry I didn't mean to light the whole crypt on fire."
Arthur raised his hands in defense.
" I told ya, y'all should've just let swing ma axe but nah you wanted wizard boy ta shoot fire at it."
Xepug huffed.
"Xepug it was a corrupted spriggan, your axe would've done nothing."
Aliza scolded the orc boy.
"Damn and most of our reward went to repairs we got less than half of what was promised to us."
Devarius sighed.
"The Guildmaster ain't gonna be happy about this."
"Relax, the Guildmaster will understand.....right. "
Arthur chuckled nervously as he looked at his teammates.
The other members of the party sighed as they sat on the ground.
"We're gonna lose our ranks for sure."
Devarius sighed as he annoyingly pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Aw man and I wanted ta go on better quest too."
Xepug groaned as he kicked a nearby rock.
"Well it could be worse, we could be kicked out."
Aliza chided in much needed optimism.
Arthur sighed as he looked up to the night and noticed a brilliant and colorful light was shooting across the sky.
"Hey guys, look a shooting star."
The young mage pointed to the sky.
"So there is, it's kinda pretty."
Devarius admired the star.
"I don't see the big deal with it."
Xepug grumbled.
Aliza had her eyes tightly shut as she crossed her fingers.
" Uhhh what are you doing? "
Arthur turned to the rogue.
"Making a wish, my folks always said if you see a shooting star and make a wish on it, it'll come true."
Aliza explained.
"I wish we had a crap ton of gold so we can recoup the loss on our quest. "
Devarius said as he humored the thought of a wish granting star.
"I wish for a fire breathing dragon to fight!"
Xepug said.
"You want to fight a dragon!?"
Devarius said in shock
"Yeah if I slay a dragon, I'd be the youngest chief in my tribe."
Xepug smiled at the thought.
"Hmmm I wish...I wish for a super epic quest for us to go on."
Arthur said as he sighed and smiled at the thought of an epic quest with his friends.
The shooting star then seemed to be getting bigger.
" Uh hey Aliza are shooting stars supposed to be that big."
Devarius asked.
" Well it's not getting bigger...wait if it looks bigger that means it's getting closer.. "
Aliza stood up.
" WHAT! "
Devarius quickly got to his feet.
The shooting star got close to the atmosphere until a big flaming orb fell out of the sky and landed a short distance away, causing a large and bright explosion in distance.
" By the gods. "
Devarius said as he shielded his eyes.
" Whoa....welp let's go check it out."
Arthur said as he grabbed his gear.
"Something unknown fell from the heavens and the first idea you have  is to go to it."
Aliza asked Arthur.
" Yeah it could be a rare mineral or something. "
Arthur said.
" Or a new monster for my axe. "
Xepug said, grabbing his weapon, excited at the prospect of a thrilling fight.
" We'll need to scout the area anyway to check if it hurt anyone anyways. "
Devarius said as he grabbed his sword.
" Fine, but if we die I'll haunt you all in the afterlife. "
Aliza sighed.
" But you can't... Mmph?!"
Arthur's mouth was hastily covered by Devarius.
" Don't correct her, she'll probably kill us all in our sleep."
Devarius whispered to Arthur
Arthur nodded as he slipped from Devarius's hold.
" Alright let's go check out that shooting star. "
Arthur said as he started heading towards the area.
The group made their way towards the area, they soon came across a clearing within the forest where a sizable crater was made and at the  center of it all was a black object.
"What is that?"
Arthur said as he slid down into the crater and approached the object.
"Hey careful, you don't know if that thing is toxic or not!"
Aliza shouted as she quickly slid down the crater with the party following after her.
" It's just a rock, that's it! "
Xepug sighed in annoyance; he was hoping for it to be a mythical creature to fight.
Devarius poked the rock with his sword.
"It's definitely sturdy.... think if we sell it we fetch a good price.
The young paladin in training asked his fellow party members.
"And who's gonna carry that thing, it looks massive."
Aliza asked.
" Maybe we break it up into smaller pieces. "
Devarius suggested.
" Allow me!."
Xepug readied the flat portion of his axe above the black object and with swings on the object but the sturdiness of the pitch black item proved too much for Xepug as all of his momentum was sent vibrating into his arms.
Xepug dropped his axe in effort to help get the blood flow back into his hands.
"Okay so breaking it is out of the question then, hey Arthur you know any levitation spell?"
Aliza asked
"Wait I do. "
Arthur grabbed his wand and slowly started levitating the object.
" Guys this is kinda hard.
Arthur winced.
Devarius looked around and he noticed a wheelbarrow nearby.
"Wait, put it in that wheelbarrow over there."
Devarius pointed to the wheelbarrow.
Arthur struggled to slowly place the object into the wheelbarrow.
Arthur sighed in relief.
"I got it."
Xepug said as he kicked up the wheelbarrow and found he was able to move it.
"Where am I taking this thing?"
Xepug asked.
"Let's take it to camp and we'll figure out what to do tomorrow."
Devarius said as he started walking.
After wheeling the object back to their campsite the group settled down, while Devarius got first watch for the night.
Devarius was reading a book in hopes to keep himself awake.
Devarius looked around .
"I definitely heard that."
Devarius said as grabbed his sword and he looked around until he looked over to the black oval object the party found earlier....it appears to be trembling.
"Hey guys wake up, there's something happening to that meteor."
Devarius announced to his party members.
" Huh what? "
Arthur woke up .
" What's happening? "
Xepug asked as he got up with a stretch.
"Yeah we still had some time until the next watch rotation."
Aliza groaned
Devarius pointed to the black vibrating object.
" What the? "
Arthur looked at the object .
The black meteor vibrated intensified as it fell out of the wheelbarrow .
"Everyone get ready, I think something might pop out of it."
Aliza said to her party mates.
The party readied their weapons, prepared for the possibly impending battle.
But soon the object stopped vibrating and two cracks started appearing at the bottom of the object and soon two small scaly  legs emerged from the bottom of the rock as it stood to their feet.
"What the?"
DJ said bewildered
"I it's was a egg?"
Aliza said, confused.
The black egg now on its feet started running around in confusion.
"Wait, everyone catch that egg!"
Devarius said as he started running after the running egg.
The group split up to try and cut off the egg from straying too far from the campsite, the wild egg chase continued until the egg ran into a tree and fell into a sitting position.
"It stopped."
Arthur said.
The egg cracked some more until it broke in half revealing a small black reptilian like humanoid.
The creature squinted its eyes as its vision was adjusting to the world and the first thing it saw was the party.
The creature looked to the party.
Said the reptilian creature as it looked to everyone in the party.
"Umm guys this is a baby."
Arthur said to the group.
"Did we accidentally hatch a lizard folk egg?"
Devarius asked.
"He looks more like a dragon.... I think this is a dragonborn hatchling."
Aliza said to the group.
"But it came from the sky?"
Xepug said.
The Dragonborn creature looked to each party member, these folk were the first people he saw when he hatched so surely they all must be his Mama's.
"Uh hey guys it called us it's mother... don't reptile people do that whole imprint thing?"
Arthur asked.
The dragonborn was trying to stand to its feet but it was having trouble due to it being just hatched.
The dragonborn hatchling raised its arms to the group showing it wanted to be picked up.
The group hesitated until Devarius picked up the hatchling.
"He doesn't have any bits, is it a boy or girl. "
Xepug commented .
"I don't know, it doesn't have penis so I'm guessing it's a ... "
The Dragonborn then released a stream of urine onto Devarius' chestplate.
The other group members were stifling their laughter.
"It's a boy."
Devarius said unamused.
"Don't feel too sad, some say a dragon pissing on ya is good luck. "
The Orc laughed.
"Then let him piss on you and see how you like it. "
Devarius pointed the hatchling towards Xepug.
"Oi! Watch it."
Xepug said as he tried to avoid any potential streams.

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