-Hi Hia, I miss you so much. I hope that you are doing well, I am too. Just going to get breakfast and going to rehearsal for university. Love you -

Porchay smiled, sent it. He then turned to the table and couldn't stop giggling when he saw that Kim had put on everything he had on the table. He thought that he was taking good care of him, a part was also to not have the boy looking around too much. He took his breakfast, he prepared himself in the bathroom, and he was alone. In Kim's apartment. It was weird. And he had nothing to do. He could train himself for the guitar but his own wasn't here and he wouldn't touch someone else's instrument without consent. It was too precious. Even if he was still suffering, even if he didn't look too much at his bruises because he didn't like them, Porchay began to do what he could: cleaning like he agreed with Kim.

As expected, the place wasn't dirty. He could push away some dust but not a lot was to be made. The dishes from their meal and breakfasts, done, and now he was just leaning against a wall. Sighing, not knowing what he could do to help him for real. To his surprise the wall was moving, it wasn't as stable as it should have been and Porchay looked more intensely at it.


A tape wasn't doing its job, allowing it to move too much. Porchay was satisfied, he would be useful. He tried to put it back and then he wondered. Why was the wall moving? He had his guts screaming at him to check but his mind was reminding him that it was not a good behaviour, it was invading privacy, it was-

Bad. Dangerous. Not serious. Insensitive. Awful.

He had tried to stop but Kim would never know. He would just understand why the wall wasn't working as it should. He never had witnessed something like this. Always for his defence, he would have needed to still open it a small amount to put back the tape after changing it, a little or a big amount, would it matter? It would but the adrenaline kept the best of Porchay out himself, he was nothing more than human in the end.

Porchay had a lot of words to describe what he just did, but he had no one for what he just discovered.



His head.

His Hia's head.

Weird link put in between people.

And a lot of heads, heads he didn't know about but which was linked to his brother.

Porchay had no experience in those types of boards but he had watched enough series to understand that it had something to do with investigation.

He could imagine everything...but this. Porchay sat on a chair, observing it.

Wik coming back to his anciens school. Didn't look suspicious. Wik signing his uniform. Not weird. Kim accepting to tutor him. His Wik giving him the opportunity to learn from him. Suspicious. Kim walking inside to help him. Not weird. But it took another dimension now.

Everything was made on this board. Everything to make him think that their relationship was definitely not an innocent encounter.

His Hia. Porchay could only think about him. He looked closely, he didn't know anyone but he could get some glimpse, "bodyguard", "business", "uncle", "menace", "mafia"?

Porchay felt tears falling from his eyes, he had no idea how they appeared. He couldn't totally put words or understand the whole situation now. All he deeply felt was the veil of mies being raised up and his heart sinking into the suffering of being in love. In love with someone who didn't even care one second about him. It was clear that he was just a way to reach his Hia.

His Hia who lied too.

Porchay curled up, sobbing. He hated them suddenly, hated them all.

He didn't move for hours. He needed answers. He would face them. He was angry, so out of his mind, he wasn't a pawn nor a small kid to protect.

❤️‍🩹 Punch didn't hurt as much as the one which broke my heart ❤️‍🩹 KIMCHAY AUWhere stories live. Discover now