Start from the beginning

Mammon: *pauses* ANYWAY! My plan is to find the new face of my brand, YEAH! So, they gotta bring the good shit! The winner will get to be like the son I never had, and I'll be like the stepdad that will love you when it's convenient!

[Switching to the two teenage boys, Fizz continues to look at Mammon with exciting admiration while Blitzo turns sour after realizing what a letdown Mammon was since he's trying to make a scam out of everyone in the crowd.]

Fizzarolli: Wow!

[Blitzo just heard Fizz and looks beside him with one eyebrow raised in surprise. The scene comes back to Mammon.]

Mammon: You might be a lunchbox, an action figure, Saturday morning cartoon. Hell, I might even make a sex robot of ya! I don't know! I mean, if we'll make money, sure. But it's not weird.

[He spots a random imp in the crowd and points at the one with glasses.]

Mammon: You're weird, you sick fuck! And, if you say it's exploitation, fuck you!

[As Mammon was going on ranting, the scene switches to the stage. The crowd was dead silent after hearing his complains.]

Mammon: It's not exploitation! If you think that then you're a dickhead.

[The camera makes a close up again.]

Mammon: Anyway, CLOWNS!

[As he finishes, shadowy figures of clowns and whatever kinds of demons appears behind him. The crowd was back to cheering, but the ones were at the front weren't so lucky as they were dogpiled by the shadowy clowns swarming all over them.]


[The scene changes to the aftermath of the rock-style concert showing from Mammon. The boys are walking down the street after the whole clown swarming fiasco in the stadium.]

Blitzo: Alright, I'm gonna say it. That was too many clowns.

Fizzarolli: I have to win that pageant someday. Can you imagine how amazing it would be to get to work with him?

Blitzo: What's the point? Isn't being the star of our imp circus enough? Plenty of people already know who you are, Fizz. You don't need to go work for Mammon like some creepy mascot.

Fizzarolli: It's not about that! It's getting to work with my idol.

[His eyes sparkling with admiration.]

Fizzarolli: I just love that he's giving someone new the chance to be in the spotlight! He's an inspiration.

[While Fizzarolli was daydreaming, Blitzo was still having uncertainty of his friend's expectations.]

Blitzo: Well he's- definitely something alright. I mean, I dunno, was it worth all our savings just to have him put on an over-hyped commercial, and then bitch about taxes, and then assault us with clowns, vomit, and pass out on stage?

Fizzarolli: *laughs* So worth it!

[Unbeknownst to them, a stranger appears behind the light post, looking at them from behind like a creepy stalker before he scurries away like a raccoon.]

Fizzarolli: *sighs* Blitzo, do you think I could win if I worked really hard? - I think...

Blitzo: I think... if anyone's gonna be the new clown face on everything

[He grabs Fizz by the head and gives him a nuggy and laughs.]

Blitzo: -it'll be you, Fizz.

[As they were talking, the same stalker, suddenly appears in front of them under the light post shining on him.]

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