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The boys were getting ready for their mission to the hideout spot. Price and me talked on if it was a good idea to let Ghost join as well, and price agreed. To my disappointment, I couldn't object any further and they left. I was alone at base, knowing nobody and having nothing to do other than look at the walls

It was only a few hours long, quite surprising. They probably beat their record with this operation, either that or it was a complete failure.

"Medic?! MEDIC!?"

Soap shouted, a man leaning on him. His clothes were torn, he wore an English flag on his shoulder but I couldn't quite tell who it was from this far.

"What happened-"

A medic finally ran out the base and assisted the group whilst I watched from the doorway. I saw his face drop and I could tell just by the way the doctor's behavior changed that this was bad

Ghost had recovered a little before leaving, could it be him still...?

It could very much be.

It is him.

"No... no no no no no?! Ghost!"

I yelped, running towards them to just plant my feet into the ground when I finally met his eyes. Bloodshot. He was shivering, his mask ripped just a bit around the neck area. My own blood ran cold at the sight


He mumbled softly, coughing and wincing in pain. His hand held the right of his side, blood dripping down onto the concrete

"Oh my god. What happened? Soap! What the hell happened!"

I demanded as we all accompanied Ghost to the infirmary. Soap sighed

"He was good for a while. Fainted from the heat is what i thought, but you were right. He shouldn't have come."

I bit my tongue instead of shouting any further, it wouldn't have made the situation any better. Ghost needed help, urgently.

The medic set him down onto the table, he could barely even sit straight. They had to pull the bullet out.

"You and you, hold him down"

The doctor pointed at me and Price. I froze for a second. Hold him down? He could just throw me in the air.

I grabbed his hand, pinning it down onto the table underneath him. The other hand was on his forehead to keep it down

"Kat... Kat... Kat..."

"Yes yes, Ghost. I'm here. Don't move"

The doctor put a pair of tweezers in the bullet wound, Ghost's eyes' widening in pain

He screamed, the shallow breaths becoming erratic

"Ghost! Focus on me. Hey, eyes on me"

I cupped his masked face, his groaning and broken voice making me melt. He was vulnerable and needed support, he needed help.

"It hurts like a bitch.."

"I know. Squeeze my arm"

He did just that. The doctor couldn't find the bullet for the life of him and I was about to lose my arm under the pressure Ghost was putting on it.

Finally, the bullet was out and Ghost sighed in despair. He was weak, the strength fading from the hold on my arm

"It's all done, Ghost. We'll patch you up now, good job. Hang in there"

"Give... give me a break, please..!"

I put my hand up to stop the doctor who already had a needle and bandages at the ready

"Breathe, Simon... you did this countless times."

He closed his eyes for a bit, taking long deep breaths. I let his hand rest on my chest, following my breaths until they were in sync


The doctor managed to patch Ghost up, letting him rest after 45 minutes of struggling. They would need to run some tests as to why he wasn't getting any better, but for now all that mattered was... that he was alive.

I sat on the chair beside his bed, bouncing my leg nervously. His chest rose with each breath, I knew he was alive but it still hurt to see him like this. The weak look of despair and pain in those hazel eyes when he looked at me.. it was imprinted into my brain


I snapped out of my trance when he spoke my name, looking up to see him tiredly looking back at me

"I'm here, Ghost"

"Come... closer.."

I did as he asked, standing up and grabbing his hand in mine with a soft smile.

"You're all good, big guy. You're strong"

"hug me. Please..."

His request left me a bit appalled. Was this actually ghost or was I mistaking this man for the actual grumpy cunt I tried to warn about getting himself in the battlefield?

The mask was there minus the vest and all the equipment. His eyes were there, his voice was there but... who was this? Why did I feel safe and comfortable with this man.

"Of course.."

I lowered myself and wrapped my arms gently around his shoulders, hugging him. He let his arms rest against my lower back, hiding his face into my chest

"What's gotten into you, huh? Did you miss the annoying fly?"

"I'm sorry for that... you were trying to help"

Huh? Was I dreaming? Is this actually happening? Ghost apologized to me just now. Did anyone hear that too?

"Ghost? Hey are you..-"

"Shut up.."

His eyes were teary, tired and pained. I smiled sweetly almost making an 'awwh' sound


My body felt like it was being crushed under a hydraulic press and her softness alleviated that unbearable sensation. Her scent was making my cloudy mind become clearer, the warmth of her gracious arms soothing me like a child

I found myself tearing up at the contact with her skin. Why did she have to have so much power over my emotions?

"Did you miss the annoying fly?"

Yes... fuck yes, I missed you. How I didn't get shot in the head back there is probably something I'm not allowed to know, but what I do know is that my mind was focused on you. On your body. On your voice. On the sounds you make when I dream of you. If only you knew. How I burn for you.

"Shut up"

I tell her to shut up. To die. To leave me alone. To bother someone else other than me then, those rare times she follows my orders, I anger myself for allowing her out of my sight. She was mine to keep alive from the moment she set foot in that base. I can almost remember it vividly in my mind, that day. Cold and wet yet she looked like a ray of sun piercing through the clouded sky.

She walked graciously, she was shy back then. She didn't talk much, didn't interact or dare say no to me. Then she grew accustomed to my ways, my behavior. She adjusted her own to match my personality, putting up a fair fight to every little tease I'd throw at her. She was mine back then, and she's mine now. Mine. Mine. Mine...


I blurted out and I could feel her breath hitch. Damnit. I didn't mean to say it out loud.

She didn't say anything, but pressed her cheek on my head. My face was comfortably buried in her chest, those nice round tits of hers hugging it like they were made for me. Kat was made for me.

Temptation (Simon Riley x OC reader)Where stories live. Discover now