First meeting

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The xianle kingdom was undoubtedly the most prosperous kingdoms of the day. There were laughs and smiles from ear to ear seen in every single xianle citizen. Cities bustled as many if not all the citizens of it packed the roads as they all gathered to watch the pared which their beloved  crown prince danced in the honor of god. 

Admist the bustling crowd of happy and smiling people an individual in crimson clothing also moved along with the crowd. In order to get a better view the man moved closer to watch the crown prince of xianle dance. 

After sometime a silver butterfly arrived at him signaling that his accomplice was ready after all watching the crown prince dance was only something he decided to do in the last minute because he was bored (;

As he started to their agreed location he shifted into a 10 year old kid in order to attract lesser attention to himself. However dispite his luck being one very good he got pushed of a high building. As he was soaring towards the floor in full force, his fatal fall if, he was mortal of course, was stopped as he was caught by non other than the crown prince him self. 

He was surprised as he wasn't expecting someone especially not the crown prince whom he was about to call to war with, to rescue him. As he looked at the crown prince he realized that the mask he was wearing had fallen off revealing the most beautiful face he had ever seen. He felt like he'd swallowed a bunch of his silver butterflies and he felt like his dead heart had skipped a beat. 

As the flower crowned crown prince landed he set the boy down and smiled at him.

"What's your name Didi?" He asked caressing his tangled black hair. The ten year old child was about to blurt out his name he thought for a minute before he spoke

"I'm Hong hong'er" he said playing the part of a frightened child to keep the gentle Pat of the crown princes hand on his head. 

The prince smiled even more brightly which Hong hong'er thought was impossible to do. "Don't worry anymore didi your safe now be carful of your step from now on." He said as he removed his hand from his head. Hong'er was about to say something but two men came to where they were shouting "your highness!" As they did. 

"Your highness your father is pissed and guoshi is summoning you!" One of them said.

"Ah feng xin, mu Qing don't you think it was worth it?" He asked showing off hong'er to them.

"Okay your highness but you'll have to leave him hear or guoshi would pulverize you both" mu Qing said.

"Hmm" the crown prince hummed and bid farewell well to the young child before he departed with his friends.

After the crown prince left Hong'er wondered around the capital with no clear destination as he pondered about what happened to him and the foreign feelings he had. Before he called out one of his silver butterflies to discuss an important matter with his accomplice.

"Black water there has been a change of plans" he said

"The heck!" Was the only thing he managed to say before the butterfly in his hands burst to dust.

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